Friday, October 03, 2008

Dresser Update

So the dresser from the previous post is now OUT of their room. At least for the time being. I feel like such an idiot. We made sure to anchor our bookcases, etc. to the walls, but we didn't even think that their dresser would be a problem, and I don't know why! I guess because it's squatter and didn't seem like it would tip, though looking at it now I can see it. Especially with the bottom drawer removed, so it's even more top-heavy.

I was laying in bed this morning, listening to the sounds of play from the twins' room and poor Z in the shower, when I heard a gigantic crash, followed by double shrieking. SCARY. I was there in a flash, and since I didn't grab my glasses, I didn't immediately see Nuala sitting safely off to the side. I saw Bran pinned by his little legs, but had no clue where N was, I just heard her screaming and screaming and thought she was completely underneath the dresser. Oh, it could have been bad, we were very blessed that the only injuries were a couple more bruises on poor Bran's legs.

All day I've been thinking about what might have happened, how horribly different it could have turned out, and I immediately say another prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Father for watching over my children. I am so grateful that He is there for us, that we do all we can do, and He will do the rest. Though I think anchoring dressers falls in the "do all we can do" category, I didn't mean to neglect that, and at least it will make me more aware now of other potential hazards. I don't know how I would survive motherhood (or life!) without knowing that all is in His hands.


Julia said...

Scary! It's a good thing God protects small children and fools. (The "fools" being us parents.)

Carolyn said...

We are so blessed aren't we. I too am grateful you twins are ok. You can't think of everything and your little monkeys sure have been keeping you on your toes. They are just so curious and fearless. What special little spirits they are(although I bet if we were to really know them we wouldn't be calling them "little" spirits.

pauline said...

whew..... we are grateful all turned out well with that (incidentally, I just read your earlier post a few mins ago and made a comment, and afterwards I said to myself...."I should've suggested anchoring that dresser, as it might come down on them..." .... too bad I didn't read that post yesterday when you wrote it...) All's well that ends well..... love you all xox

Randy and Pat Jentzsch said...

Hmmmm... Considering that Brad used to tie Jeff and maybe Greg to the dresser and then leave them (If they moved then it would tip over on them). He also used to hang them by their underwear on a doorknob. They were older than the twins. The twins sound like a blast! Wait until they are 15!

Megan and Greg said...

I'm so glad to hear that they are okay. I never actually thought of anchoring anything to the wall until I saw your post yesterday. I thought to myself "how did Bran use that second drawer to climb up to the top without it tipping?" Then it hit me-"It must be screwed into the studs in the wall!"

Well, I guess I was wrong about that! Things happen though- kids seem to gravitate to anything remotely dangerous. On the bright side, now you know that it is a danger and were able to take it away before either became seriously injured. Hope you guys are doing well.


P.S. Megan just glanced over and saw the "Nuala dancing" picture and said, "oh, their kids are SO cute!"

Rob and Erin said...

Wow, scary! I'm so glad they're okay. That was sweet of Nuala to be so concerned for Bran!

RondaJo said...

How scary!! I am so glad everyone is okay.
Gavyn has pulled a couple dressers down before. That is why we now only have dressers in our laundry room.

Julie said...

That is scary! We have have moments like this, and I expect to have more with the three kiddos we have. We did bolt down the dressers and bookcases in the kids' rooms when Jonah was a baby since it was apparent from a VERY early age that we had a monkey on our hands.
Thankfully Bran and Nuala are safe. Sweet babies. We do what we can as parents to protect them with the foresight and knowledge that we have at the time. Try not to be hard on yourself. You just know better next time. Doesn't this just make you want to keep snuggling them?

Sutton Family said...

glad they are both o.k. ... how scary.

Cara said...

That is scary! Glad everything is good, what was up with last week? Me locking my child in the truck, my friend locked hers in the house, and your poor Bran under the dresser! Hope this week is better!