We like to put bread, etc. on the back porch for los pajaros (the birds), and Nuala and Bran just love to watch them! Well, if they discover the treats kinda quickly anyway...strangely, these two are not very patient... Honestly, the video's not all that exciting, but I just love their little voices! Bran's is so deep. But NOT deeper than Zachariah's, as we all know ;) In the middle of the video, he gets kinda worried about the little doggie-in-a-car toy that was accidentally left outside. So...here we have, in 51 seconds of pure viewing pleasure...Pajaro, Eat!(Happy Birthday, Aislinn!)
Aww - how cute! I love listening to them!
Ohh! They Do have such cute little voices! and excellent Spanish, great accents too! So natural...now go save his poor doggycar toy :0)
I also looove Nuala's hair :0)
Me gustan los pajaros tambien! Pero me gustan mas sus ninitos!!
Paige, Jonah, Jack and I sat and watched that a bunch of times! Jack just kept saying "Mu, mu, mu!" for more. Bran and Nula are cute! I LOVE Bran's little deep voice. I think Jack just loved watching bigger babies than himself.
Adorable. It was rereading the "going to work" post when it hit me that, "of course they would be praying". Since I don't remember a Ricker leaving the house without one. Great tradition. Adorable video. I think it is so cool that they are picking up all that Spanish.
Listen to them roll those R's! I wish my kids spoke spanish!!! I loved the video. Did Z get back with the chocolate chips? I was worried for ya! I hope you saved the dog from the birds!
A and I used to love to sit and feed the birds(like when she was 2) Oh how I miss those days!
I love little toddler voices! It's SO fun!
Bran totally thought the birds were going to eat his dog toy I bet! Cute voices! I love the spanish!
A great video! We enjoyed it very much. It was great hearing the children, too bad Zachariah wasn't there so we could compare the deepness of the voices.:) Love, Dad and Mom
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