For Christmas 2006, a few days after the twins were born, Fiona got me this fridge magnet, which at the time I thought was funny but became even more so recently as Bran and Nuala have started storing their toys in the openings and finally today when Bran stole my cell phone after finishing dinner...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! That is hilarous! At least they haven't been sticking things down the back...
Your kiddos are so funny!!! I don't think mine have ever actually PUT things in their diapers- although I regularly find sand, small toys, bark, and playdough in Jack's...
Lol, that's really funny! At least they're resourceful...
LOL hahahahaha this is hilarious really ur cell phone hope it is sanitized now
LOL too! How funny that is... ya hafta hope the items come out SHORTLY after the diaper was changed :) Great 'fridge button too :) xox
So, when you posted the first message of this kind, I thought it was really funny. Now that I see that you have the magnet of this action also, I can't help but think you somehow gave them the idea, and now are reaping the rewards....
I think it's so funny. We deal with that too, except not so much in the diaper; just in clothing (mostly). Every Sunday when I go to get the big Gs out of Nursery I have to check their clothing to make sure we have all the toys out.
Yes, it must be the magnet! They have played with it me, we only encourage TWO things to go in diapers, neither of which we want to get back out. Nuala doesn't seem to have this issue, but Bran just loves to tuck things away.
Now thats very funny
HA HA HA!!! too funny!!! Gwen never did that- thank goodness. But she would sneak left overs off the table to keep in her toy refridgerator, which got kind of gross when she'd dig them out a couple days later and I had no idea where this stuff was coming from.
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