Anyway, we especially put one on their bedroom door because ever since we got back from the States, the tykes have been jumping out of bed and enthusiastically running into our room at the horrendous hour of sometime-before-7. Did I mention, it's done enthusiastically? At sometime-before-7? It doesn't matter HOW cute you are, that is just a big "Ooooh, no you don't!" Then, Bran stopped climbing out (I think he had a couple of semi-painful experiences), but every morning we hear him at 6-ish, waking Nuala up: "Noo-na!" (long pause...) "NOO-NA!" (lots of babble talk...) "NOO-NA!!" You get the idea. Then she climbs into his bed, and from there, out to roam...So, locking the child in her room = a little more sleep for Mom and Dad.
But, when Mom and Dad forget about the lock and close the door to contain the rascals during nighttime scriptures and prayer, then that equals one of us going out on the balcony, climbing down to the first floor burglar bars, hopping into the front yard, going in the front door OR getting in the van and opening the garage door and going in that way. Much to the amusement of Pocho, our street's security guard who is stationed smack across the road from our house. We are especially cool looking in our bare feet and short sleeves since it's the middle of winter.
Three times now! Though I got to do the rescuing for the first time tonight, and it was fun. Which goes to show that it's definitely time to go do some real rock climbing again, before we get desperate enough to start scaling our walls for no reason. Well, at least we know the locks work splendidly...that's it...we were just testing them...over and over.
HA HA HA!! My favorite is Nuala's big-eyed caught-in-the-act look you caught on camera as she's breaking free.
Soooo funny! So nice of Bran to wake Nuala up so they can play together. Yeah, I understand up to two times of locking yourselves in, but three?? ;)
Nuala is so cute with her little leg up and over. and Bran waking her up, awesome, hey they're just like you and Z. Z always gets up nice and early while you like to sleep until he starts calling "Fioooona...Fiiiiiooooonaa"
I can just picture you crawling down the side of your house! Hahahaha, that's hilarious. I'm sure Pocho enjoys the show :0) Third time's the charm...
kids are so cute--especially when they are sleeping! at least mine are, all the crazy stuff is erased when I see their little angel faces sleeping. now, if they wake up in the middle of the night, it's hard to see the angelic in it. good luck with your climbing--sounds like fun!
Bran and Nuala are very cute! We definitely feel your pain. We have not slept-in past 7am in over 2 years. The twins are up by 6:30 at the latest and Bridgette has been waking up at 5:30 every morning.
Amy's recently realized that her Dad is up at 5am for work, so she's been getting up earlier than 7am. That's not fun for Mom because as soon as Dad is about to leave for work (when he comes in our room to give me a goodbye kiss for the day), she knows to come wake Mom up. Oops. I am thinking of seeing if having her stay up a little later will help her sleep through Dad's morning routine! If she'd just sleep until 7am, I'd feel much more rested! I try to remind myself that there will be a point where it will be like pulling teeth to get Amy up for school in the morning, but that point hasn't been reached yet...
Love the pics of them escaping! Too cute!
That is so funny! I love the picture of her climbing into brother's bed. It's so cute that they are good little friends.
I love reading your posts. Their so entertaining! =)
Cuteness. That is hilarious that you have to climb the wall and Pocho watching. I think it would be hard to remember the lock when you are trying to but two rowdy chillins to bed.
HAHA! I love the picture! I can just picture you showing it to her first date!
Ha ha ha! Me and my sister used to do that to my parents! They resorted to locking their doors though and so we'd sit with our backs to the door and wait, sometimes patiently; usually not, for them to open it. My mom would even occasionally open the door to find us with our blankets curled up outside their door fast asleep, having been there since the middle of the night. I just have a giant dog bed on the floor and if gwen comes in before "morning", I tell her to just go back to sleep in the 'snuggle nest'. Works like a charm. The dog doesn't seem to mind sharing.
That is HILARIOUS!!!! I can so envision it! I love that picture of Nuala climbing in Bran's crib. She is so adventurous. I love how they're friends. Very cute.
I feel your pain!!
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