Thursday, November 15, 2007

Machu Picchu, here we come...

Tomorrow, we're off! We leave Friday morning, nice and early. Maybe not "nice," but definitely "early." We're taking the opportunity of being slightly closer to Peru to go to Machu Picchu. Zachariah's Uncle Randy and Aunt Pat decided rather last-minute to meet up with us at some point in Peru, so we're looking forward to seeing them, too. We're so excited, we've always wanted to go to Machu Picchu!! I don't think we ever thought we'd be taking two 11-month olds with us, though...It's only a four hour flight to Lima, then a 45-minute flight to Cuzco, then a 3-4 hour train ride to Aguas Calientes, the little town right by the ruins. The thing is, the departure times for all these different legs of the journey don't line up nicely at all, so the traveling bit of it will be a little more drawn out than we would like with such little ones. That's okay, they're pretty good travelers. The key is organization. And lots of prayers. And a little bit of bribery with really yummy snacks.

Also, as I'm sure you're all novel could be going better, but at least it is going. I have just under 10,000 words. The goal is 50,000 by the end of November, and seeing as how we're halfway there, things are not looking good, especially with us leaving for a week. But, the way I look at it is (and Zac, too, he's doing it also but didn't tell!), I wouldn't have written any words if I hadn't signed up. And the month's not over yet. And even though I totally want to change my entire story, I'm having a lot of fun writing it!

So, goodbye for now, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we will see y'all next week! And to tide you over, here are a couple of baby pictures:

They like to crawl in and out of this basket. Bran is not as adept at it as Nuala, and often demands assistance

Nuala loves tomato sauce, among other things.

Bran has totally taken to "talking" on the phone.

Kickin' back with a nice, cool watered-down juice...


Molly said...

WOW! Machu Picchu would be so very cool to see/visit! You guys are going to have great fun!

Wish we could have made it! Can't wait to see the vacation updates.

...great kid shots and good luck on the novels! We can't wait to read them!

JnR said...

Have a great and fun trip, I hope all the traveling goes well and N & B have fun! Thanks for all the pics they are so so cute!!!! Can't wait to read about the trip, what a blessing to be able to go!

Way to go on your novel! you're right at least you are further then if you never started! you are going to let us read it right? (this applies to Z as well).

Twinkies said...

I'm so jealous. But not about traveling with 11 month olds.=] You'll have to post tons of pictures when you get back. One word of advice: stay away from their teas. They have a fun secret ingrediant(sp?).

Anonymous said...

Hi we made the pics big...and saw all six of Nuala's teeth in her big grin...not to mention the tomato sauce splashes on her tummy (etc):) She looks like she's having fun! Poor Bran! stuck in the basket...and not very happy about it! They are so cute....thanks for posting the pics!
Hope you have fun in Peru.
The roach story is sad :( I am sorry you hafta contend with those very yucky critters. I hope you get it under control soon. I suppose you could have an exterminator spray the outside of your house at least,, so they might not decide to come inside.....
Love you, Mom (and Dad too) xox