Sunday, September 09, 2007

Standin' Man Part II

Bran's been working on his cool balancing moves this last week or so. These photos are actually from last Sunday. Things have been a tad hectic here lately, what with all our stuff arriving, Zac going to Seattle for his brother's wedding...boy, that's a story...the trip, not the wedding, it went wonderfully! And Z'll be back tomorrow! Yes! So, I'm a bit behind with posting. Anyway, back to Bran! He's gotten really good at standing by himself for pretty long periods of time -- 10+ seconds, until he gets bored and has to crawl away, since the poor tyke has yet to master that whole walking thing (ahem...sarcastic).

He used to just plop down onto his behind after the intense concentration it would take to just stay standing, but now that the standing part is a bit easier, he can focus on lowering himself more gently to the ground, looking like a cute baby sumo wrestler. Especially when all he wears is a diaper.

This last picture's just funny because he's a bit ticked that Zachariah ran out of cracker to feed him and his just-as-moochy sister.


Carolyn said...

I love the sumo Bran. Ok I know that this was not a case of teasing, but it made me wonder if Z teases N&B. Richard loves to tease Maylee. The other day I called Lisa on the phone and I asked about the crying I heard and it turned out Richard was teasing Maylee.

RondaJo said...

So cute!! I can't believe he is standing already!

Anonymous said...

those pics are so cool..... esp the one where he's gently lowering himself to the floor.... I have been lol about them too....I have made myself too awake (and it's 11:20pm .... I had been very sleeeeeepy) ... he can stand so nice and straight too... thanks ... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Tara said...

Wow, I can't believe how big they are already! They are so cute!