Monday, December 19, 2011

Man alive... now they're FIVE!

Five years old today! Cliche, but true: Time FLIES. Wanna see? Here we go...
New babies. Bran on the left, Nuala on the right.
And then they were ONE!
We blinked and -- poof! Energetic, adorable TWO-year olds...
(Two-year old Bran, because you can't really see him above. Ahhh... Uruguayan beaches.)
Three. That seemed to sneak up, too.
Four skipped along behind three...
And NOW they're five.
They had a fun day. We all did. Z took the day off and we went to a movie (TinTin) that was being shown in English as a special showing. Animated movies are always dubbed in Bulgarian, while live-action ones are subtitled, so it was definitely a treat for them to go to an English movie. Maeve didn't come. It was for the best. Trust me.

Then they got to open their presents in the middle of the day instead of waiting until evening, woohoo!! They got some fun stuff.
Maeve loved their Ewoks, that we got off Ebay. We always give the other child/children one present on the other bdays, so when Maeve was opening hers, she kept saying, "my Ewok! my Ewok!" all full of excitement. Nope. Not an Ewok. Luckily her birthday's coming up soon (Did I say "luckily?" Sigh. Didn't mean it. Slooooow down, slow down!) so if she still loves 'em, maybe she'll get one, too.
Bran dressed his Ewok up. This is just a cute picture. Oh, they loved all their gifts, but a big hit was their stomp rockets, which some of their friends have. They love them. I don't know why we haven't gotten some before! They were blasting those suckers off all evening. Maeve is getting good at it, too. Good thing they're foam, since we've been using them inside. Anyway, just a little plug for stomp rockets. Great entertainment, folks... great entertainment.
They each got their own little birthday cake this year. We bought them, and they didn't care, but I was a little bit sad to stray from the wacky cake tradition. The poor kiddos were too full from all the pizza they ate while watching ANOTHER movie to finish them, but do not worry... Z and I helped them out. Oh, and they wore those little paper crown/headbands all day, even all over the mall. It was cute how much they liked them. Hmmm... I think I'll make Z one for his next birthday. I'm sure he'll love it just as much as Nuala and Bran... Anyway, the tykes (are they getting too big to be "tykes?" Nah.) are pretty excited to be five! We love you, Nuala and Bran, our funny, smart, kind, cute, adventurous five-year olds! Happy birthday!


Tara said...

Happy Birthday to Nuala and Bran! Wow, they are some of the cutest five year olds I know! I loved seeing all the pictures of previous birthdays, three looked soooo much different than two! Poor little Maeve, not getting an Ewok, what did she get instead? It reminds me of the time Erin and Gary got basketballs for Christmas, and my similarly sized package turned out to be a doll instead of a ball. Sad times.

Anyway, I loved all the pics, I hope they had a most wonderful day! Love the crowns, too, I'm sure Z will be equally thrilled to get his crown next October :)

pauline said...

Ooh, ooh, that was so nice ... and it made me almost cry ... great pics of great twins ... I LOVE their "5" crowns, and I'd wear them all day too (if I were 5) ... nice too that they got their very own cake... hmmm, AND get to have another b'day party in January! I'm sure they'll share their Ewoks with M till she gets her own... Thanks! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

pauline said...

Oh! Happy Birthday!!! 5, amazing, time does fly... I love their ewoks too. Brigit had fun talking to Nuala today. Love that they wore their headbands all day, those cuties! It's amazing to see the differences, what cute kiddos!
Happy Birthday to you two!!! This is Erin...

Megan and Greg said...

So Cute! Ewoks- AWESOME.

Aislinn said...

Awesome! I love the pictures and wow...Nuala sure is a stylish little gal with her purple tights and boots, isn't she? Must be a challenge for you, huh, Fiona? ;) What a fun day they had and awww...poor Maeve without an Ewok! What did she get instead? Was she sad or did she forget quickly? Thank you for the recommendation, too...just ordered Jr Glow in the dark stomp rockets for Rowan's birthday! Can't beat $9 for a fun toy! :D

Aislinn said...

Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nuala and Bran!!! We started to call yesterday, but decided it was too late and the birthday kiddos might be in bed since it was like 9pm your time. *sigh* Another day!

Grandma said...

Happy birthday you two!! I am sad they are growing. Up to fast. Mathias is here this weekend and will turn 6 in February. Way to fast Kids sloooow down.

Carolyn said...

Well the k teacher in me knows what 5 means. Crazy. I am looking forward to hearing all about the American schools, if that is where they end up going. Miffed you are not going to be here for Christmas, but I hope you have a really good one.
