Monday, May 16, 2011

springtime "snow"

Ahhhh... how gorgeous is this? Now those fluffy trees are green as can be, but the weeks of blossoms were just beautiful! Those are a couple of our cherry trees. If I remember correctly, we have 3 cherry trees, and 1 little plum tree. As in, a tree that grows little plums. Not a little tree that grows normal plums. We also have a walnut tree, a hazelnut tree, and a quince tree. And a tree fort. And some pretty flowers. And formerly pretty flowers, such as the one naked tulip that our gardener, Jordan, finally just cut down. We keep getting different stories from Bran (twice he said he did it, a bazillion times he said Maeve did it, and 97 times he said it was the wind), but suffice it to say, its loveliness was snuffed out much too soon... a forlorn pile of red-yellow petals lying beneath the soldier-straight stalk. Our only front-yard tulip, proud amongst a sea of marigold admirers... Sigh. But yes, beautiful springtime blossoms!

Then, it started to SNOW again! Honestly, I looked out the kitchen window one morning and about had a heart attack when I saw flakes of white swirling through the air. (Hey, it was a cloudy day, and kinda cold, so it was a valid conclusion!) Then I realized it was GOOD springtime snow.
Unless you want to eat it. Maeve was not overly impressed with the fallen flowers.
They got stuck on her tongue.
Even worse, the ground was damp and they stuck to her FEET. I can think of few things more torturous for this child than to have stuff stuck to her feet.
Finally, I stopped snapping pics, scooped her up, and wiped every single petal from those little feet. I was definitely her hero, rescuing her from the blossoms of doom.
Then we all jumped on the trampoline. And wrestled. And laughed. And some of us cried. Because, really... that's just what happens.
Old-ish picture... Littlest Rascal using the handy orange kitchen buckets as a step stool to swipe Easter eggs from the baskets.
And this one, just because she's so dang cute. Her shirt doesn't really have those "O" things on the bottom. They're just text, placed there for modesty's sake... I actually have a pretty adorable shot of her with both flip flops on, but that would've taken a little more doctoring to score a place on the blog. Happy Springtime!


Bonnie said...

I love that last picture, and the one on the trampoline! What cuties! They look like such happy kiddos. One of these days we have got to connect up again so all of our munchkins can meet!

pauline said...

this is Mom ... such beeeautiful flowers on your trees, so pretty, and so many ... Maeve looks like a flower herself sitting there on the ground picking petals off her feet, and a pretty flower in her hair! Who can blame her... climbing up to get those yummy and colourful looking Easter eggs! What a lovely pic of your three little ones on the tramp... nice big bro B holding little sis, and N has a great hairdo! Love the big grin M's got on in her last pic :) You made me LOL at your explanations too... thanks for a great post, keep it up! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Tara said...

Loooove Nuala's hair! And poor Maeve, I'm glad you finally saved her little feet. We only had one tulip too, and it bloomed right after we left for Texas, and was gone by the time we got back. So sad.

Megan and Greg said...

That is too funny about editing the pic. I'm glad you did 'cause it's super cute. That one with her tongue doesn't even look real! It just looks like a long piece of taffy or something is hanging out. Those trees were beautiful.

Grandma said...

Oh my gosh flowers stuck to your toes can be frustrating. I love the one of her trying to get them off of the bottom of her feet. Your back yard looks so beautiful and summery. I want to have your sunshine and flowers. By the way tell Bran Auntie Maria was always blaming zac for things. In fact she carved his name into the piano, I thought he did it. though she also blamed her dog. I really enjoy that special hair do of Nuala!!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

So Cute!! I love spring snow, we're having pink spring snow in our front yard right now. Maeve's tongue! She's so cute! Aoife hates getting things stuck to her feet too! It's like their cousins or something...or babies... Nuala's hair is awesome, totally reminds me of Dr. Seuss for some reason. And look at sweet Bran holding his baby so nice and snugly. Did Maeve get anything from those colorful eggs? I hope so, she deserves it after tracking them down :0)