Sunday, January 02, 2011

tykes looking Christmas-y...and patriotic...

Here are the couple of the 637 (it seems) that actually turned out semi-decent from the kids' Christmas-y pics. I know we all aim for the one golden shot of all the children looking at the camera and SMILING. Yes... the elusive "everyone is smiling" photo... Oh, the things we parents do in pursuit of that one... And it's sweet satisfaction, indeed, when that happens, but I hafta admit, the outtakes, or bloopers, or I guess you could call them the "REALITY shots" are usually some of my favorites. But here are a couple of the tykes looking-at-the-camera-and-kinda-all-smiling-or-at-least-not-screaming-or-making-an-extra-weird-face...

And below, a few from the 4th of July, or whichever Sunday was closest to it. A couple of Sundays a month, when they seem to be particularly cooperative or particulary cute, all three are plunked on the couch for photos in their church clothes. But July was a very busy month, and as I was searching through our July folder for a particular pic for a different purpose, I realized I never did a thing with these cute shots! For shame! I'm so sorry I deprived you all of seeing even MORE pictures of our children! haha. ha. But really, since this is one of our family records, I do want 'em in... Look at the difference 6 months (less than) makes! Not just with Maeve, but Bran and Nuala look a ton different to me! Aaaagh! They were so young and sweet! AND, one day the pictures of them NOW will look so young and sweet, too! Aren't they cute? Yeah... they are...


Bonnie said...

Adorable photos, Fiona! And, you know there is this lovely little thing called "photoshop", don't you? Get the kids all smiling at once or just use it to wipe the snot off someone's nose. It's great!

Aislinn said...

Awww...they are adorable in every pic. I always like the outtakes best,too, LOL. Maeve's smile in that first pic is to die for! Love the one squishy eye, LOL! I guess she only got half Ricker eyes...;o)

It IS amazing how much they've changed from just 6-ish short months ago! Wow! You're so right about their current pics looking young and sweet before too long, too. *sigh*

BTW, Rowan wants me to tell you that since we call Granny "Granny", he's now going to call Bran "Branny" 'because Bran and Gran Granny and Branny do too!'

Tara said...

So cute! I love that top pic, they all look adorable. And the 4th of July ones are super cute, too. You're right, they look so much older already. I can't decide who looks the most different. Well, Maeve, obviously, but I think Bran too, he just looks so much younger in the 4th of July picture. Aww, it makes me sad how fast they grow!

Tara said...

And no, I don't have cankles yet, thanks ;)

David said...

Love the pictures, the subjects are very cute! Indeed, they all look more mature in the Christmas photos. As far as we are concerned, keep them (the pics) coming. Love, Dad and Mom (Granny)

David said...

THIS IS MOM ... OH YES, they are very cute indeed ... don't worry about putting up too many pics ... we think we can handle it :) Such lovely smiling little faces ... thanks for sharing :)
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Carolyn said...

They really do change so much huh. I love the pictures and your kids will be so glad you posted so many...except for maybe the embarrassing ones. These are all adorable.

Melanie said...

such cute kids!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Awww! They are so cute! Seriously! That is an awesome smile of Maeve's, haha with the one squishy eye, so so so cute! They do look sooo much younger, it's crazy! Time flies! Ha ha ha, I love how you so accurately describe the "looking-at-the-camera-and -kinda-all-smiling-or-at-least-not-screaming-or-making-an-extra-weird-face." I'm with mom, there can never be too many pics of these cuties! What a beautiful bunch!

Grandma said...

gosh they are darn cute. My favorites have always been the ones that are candid. TAKEN when they arn't looking. These pics are beautiful and a real treasure of memories. lv gb