Friday, October 08, 2010

Starring: Maeve

Here are some vids of the Maevsters... First one is just another one of her crawling... She heads to the bathroom where N&B are getting ready for bed. Babies and bathrooms... what's the draw? Just 'cause they know Mom's gonna slightly freak out when she discovers them playing with the toilet scrubber and sitting in a puddle of toilet-scrubber water? Yuck. That's not in this video, so don't get your hopes up. A slightly grumpy Nuala's pretty fun, though.

Ha! This was so hilarious! Really, much funnier if you were there. Bran and Nuala both zonked out in the car, and because their carseats are uber-supportive, their heads often flop practically into Maeve's lap. She kept looking back and forth at these two, poking and prodding and pulling. She has a fascination with eyes, poor Bran. She's always trying to gouge 'em out... mine, Bran's, any eye unfortunate enough to come within poking distance. Later, on this same trip, I turned around to discover a huge fistful of blond hair in Maeve's possession. Poor Nuala.

Going up the stairs! She's a pro (at the up part) and goes up all 18 whenever we let her. Luckily, these stairs are gated off. Unluckily, our main floor has three sets of 2 stairs because the kitchen area is just slightly higher than the rest. She's had a tumble or two. Once when Bran was right beside her... sigh. Me: "Bran, why didn't you stop her!?" Bran: "I was waiting for you or Daddy!" Yeah, we had a little chat about helping keep each other safe. Which he's honestly usually quite good at. He is only 3, though, and I do sometimes forget that because he (they) are really good helpers and so good with Maeve! But anyway, the stairs!


pauline said...

very cute videos ... Maeve is on the go a lot, and chats along the way! Poor Bran getting his eye poked :( Good thing he moved when it didn't feel good ... don't think I'd like to wake up that way either... Thanks for sharing those fun times with us... hee hee hee. Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Megan and Greg said...

Those were all really cute, I loved how you let her just poke Bran while you snicker in the background, Those are somr serious stairs. I can see so many injuries on those things!

Tara said...

She's just the cutest! I love that she is just wearing a bow and a diaper in that first one. Poor Nuala, I wonder how old she'll be when you start getting in trouble for all the glaring videos/pictures you put up of her! I can't believe Bran slept through so much of that eye poking! And Nuala looks so cute in her BYU cheerleading outfit!

heidi and Doug said...

ummm can bran still see LOL
so cute they are all getting so big !

Mike said...

Ahhh...The Gollum crawl. Paige did this one too, right at the time the Lord of the Rings movies were coming out, an we really thought it was funny that she crawled that way.