What in the world -- ?? Where the heck did my newborn go? Maeve was a month old/four weeks exactly on Saturday and I can't imagine life without her.

She's definitely pudging up. Just gettin' round... At her 4 week appointment, she was 9 lbs 10 oz, so up 2 pounds from birth. A great gain, and still not as big as a couple of her cousins have been
at birth. At first I was expecting/kinda hoping she would be about that big when she was born, but now can't imagine her being this "giant" as an itty bitty newborn. She was just perfect! Just like those chunkier cousins were! And she still is. Perfect, I mean. Do I sound like a smitten mom? I am. Anyway, she's in the 60th percentile for weight, and 90th for height at 22-1/4 inches. Also, she's surviving the pink eye that's been making its rounds through N&B and the cousins (5 so far have had it. Fun.). I credit the breastmilk-in-her-eyes trick. But do you know how hard it is to keep 3- and 4-year old girls from loving all over a baby's face? Pretty difficult.
(Just a minor digression: the eyebright and honey mixture my mom made for the older kids' eyes have really seemed to clear it up quickly...so that's one to file away. Just soak little pads in a tea made of eyebright, an herb, and honey, which has great anti-bacterial properties, and place them on their eyes several times a day for about 10 mins or so...or use an eyebath.)
Okay, back to Maeve! ...well, she's just really, really cute. And such a sweetheart. We're so blessed to have her! Zachariah comes back AGAIN next Friday to help ferry us all back to Bulgaria, and she's going to be quite different from the little smidge he remembers. I can't wait to see him again, and to see him see the kiddos. And N&B can't wait to see him. They do have a pretty cool dad...

We're working on this move to keep those well-intentioned, but quite germy, kisses at a distance.
She is just adorable!
she is so cute!
She is so adorable! And pudging up nicely, indeed. Great little photo shoot of her, I love them all, that last one is awesome!
She's so much bigger, and so cute! I miss you all!
Wow! She has grown! Again! I think the first picture of her looks so much like Bran. All the pics are so cute.
Love that hair! Wow she is adorable. Her face reminds me of Bran. Lv ya
She is so darn cute. I am so glad that you are getting to go back to Bulgaria soon so she won't have to reach all those milestones with dad so far away.
Oh man, pink eye. I am sooooo glad you have avoided it. That is some kind of miracle with all those little hands around. She is super cute.
She is very cute ... her smile is so great in that first one ... we are having fun with her and all the rest of the gang here :) :) :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
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