Just thought I should pop in with a little update...I've been pretty bad at blogging lately. Obviously. BUT, all is going well. We've said goodbye to Z, and the other husbands, too. Now Erin and I just hang out here for a month going to doctor appointments and wrangling kiddos until our hubbies come back and we have these babies! My other little sis is living here, too, while her husband is training in the Army (did I already mention that?) and she has been awesomely helpful. Super patient with the gaggle of small ones, and she has her own little 7-month old rascal, too. Incidentally...Zac and Rob, the "poor, lonely" husbands are going to Zermatt, Switzerland for a weekend to ski/snowboard the Matterhorn. Yeah, we all feel sorry for them.
Anyway, I'm 36 weeks now, and am kinda feeling like it's pretty unreal that I'm going to be trying to actually push (I know, that sounds gross) a baby out in a month-ish. I've never done this before. I'm going to have a VBAC, and I'm with a great group of midwives and OBs. Seriously, I've only been to 3 appointments, but I love them. The midwives I've met (2 of the 3) are awesome and personable and really set me at ease. They and the docs they work with are very VBAC supportive, so hopefully all will go well with that. Baby Girl is head down, and last week, at 35 weeks, I had an ultrasound that estimated her weight then at 6lbs, 2 oz. We took N&B to that ultrasound, and they were soooo unimpressed. Wow. I'd been talking up seeing their baby sis on the TV, but all they cared about was...well, pretty much anything BUT that. Otherwise, they do seem pretty excited to get their own baby. They both love "Baby Teresa" and little Ciaran, who are both 7 months. It's so cute seeing them try to hold them and play so nicely (okay, sometimes not-so-nicely) with them. They do try, though. Bran even tried to "carry" Teresa across the room, and luckily just managed to kinda lift her up under her armpits, go a few steps and then she slowly oozed from his grasp. Still, she very much did NOT like it. So we'll be watching that...
But I just can't even fathom what labor will be like, and can't help but wonder if I'm being somewhat masochistic about the whole VBAC thing. I am so excited to get to do it, don't get me wrong, but I had such a good overall experience with the c-section. And it was so easy. Just go in and get my babies. What if I don't realize I'm in labor? What if I freak out and can't get the baby out? And then end up with an emergency c-section? What if her head really IS huge, like the ultrasound techs so kindly commented on?? Eh. Somehow it will all work out... Annnnd, here's the belly, at 36 weeks:

nice pics of your belly and little baby girl :) Labour will be a little different than c-section for sure ... we'll wait for the later in Feb update for news on that !!! xox
My favorite line: "she slowly oozed from his grasp." Ha ha ha ha!!! N and B will be a great big bro and sis! I can't believe you're already 36 weeks. I'm very, very jealous. ha ha! I'm sure the VBAC will go great!
And yes, the "poor, lonely" husbands...I don't feel sorry for them at all. :)
YAY!! Finally a Fiona post! You are looking beautiful and awesomely plump! Thanks for sharing. Love the ultrasound of squashed baby girl. So wise not to publicize your chosen name prior to birth. Nobody gets to comment on it beforehand, and they rarely bother once it is already on the birth certificate. Have you kept up with my life? It is radically, wonderfully different now. Take care.
Come on!!! Going to Zermatt and skiing on the Matterhorn by ourselves without kids to drag along is way tough duty. I might have to sleep on the train without kids to entertain, tough duty that. I miss you all too!!
Hi! Hey I had VBAC with Molly! It went great! She was my fastest birth ever and it felt so good. Weird huh? I had her at OSHU in Portland with an English Dr. She came so fast he missed the birth and the nurse delivered! I didn't realize they weren't doing these routinely anymore. I subsequently had 3 more after Molly with no problems. Good for you for trying it I think you'll like it! I used Cohosh tea the last 6 wks. and I wonder if that was the reason birthing is so easy for me. Well good luck...no worries...have fun!....yeah poor Z....p.s. I'm a lazy blogger too.
Good luck! You're almost there. And I love the 3D ultrasound picture.
Way neato. It will be great. She is darling in the ultrasound. I know you'll do great. I am looking forward to the future posts.
Awe, you look great! You know, I always feel a bit sorry for those who have all c-sections. I really LOVED my births (I know I told you that before!) and labor was so exciting and after the birth was amazing. I always felt great and was walking around... I think you'll love it too- except for transition, but that will pass pretty quickly. Wow, 4 more weeks or so! Yep, that is one of the neat things about a natural birth. It is always a surprise when it happens!
Yes, poor husbands indeed! I love that with all the people milling about Mom and Dad's house recently you still just went ahead and took a picture of yourself in the mirror ;). I'm SO excited for the new babies coming in February!
YOu are going to do great! I think it is great that you are doing a VBAC. I was told so many horror stories before I pushed Alex into the world, but it wasn't anything like I imagined! It was amazing and awesome and totally worth it. Plus, he came so darn fast there wasn't time for any painkillers anyway. And, yes I didn't really realize I was in labor until two hours before he was born, but we made it to the hospital in time. :)
I am so excited to meet your new little one! I love the squashed face picture! You would think that she wouldn't have that problem due to the fact that B&N stretched her apartment out for her. :) Love Ya!
You look great, Fiona! If only I looked half as cute when expecting.
I was so nervous about the whole delivery thing, too, but somehow it all worked out. It all seems like such a blur now, so I don't have any helpful tips, but as long as you've got good, capable people surrounding you, you'll be in good hands & they'll get you through it. Good luck!
P.S. The twins are growing so fast! Such cuties!
What a gorgeous belly! Give it a rub for me. That was my favorite part...rubbing the belly and feeling both Gabriel and Naia move over to better feel the "massage." You're going to rock during labor...I just know it. Just try to separate your mind and your body so your body can do the work it needs to do. I counted a lot of ceiling tiles. And clouds. And anything I could count rather than focus on the contractions. I can't wait to see you guys back in Sofia and hear all about baby girl's arrival. Naia and Gabriel can't wait to PLAY! Take care and we're keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers. - Kelly
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