Thursday, January 21, 2010

coming back to bite me...

Bran, after getting to Texas, has discovered the exhilirating boy-joy of peeing outside. We started catching him dropping his britches clear to his ankles and sending an impressive arc of pee into the wild blue yonder in Granny and Grandad's backyard. And I'm okay with that. Well, actually he ventured into it during our trip to Turkey/Greece, christening a couple of parks in full view of the public. A little more cringe-inducing, but whatever. The boy had to pee. So honestly I haven't been discouraging this. I figure he's lucky enough to be able to relieve himself so quickly and efficiently (dude, my back KILLS having to bend over and hold Nuala up to pee when there's no bathroom available, and then trying to shake the little drips loose? ha!) that he might as well do it. Apparently I needed to set a few things straight though. Like no POOPING outside. At least not "surprise, Mom!" poops.

Yesterday we went to the park with Uncle Gary, and while the two of us were chatting, and Nuala was yelling from the swings, "Come push me!!" (I promise, I was on my way) I figured I should check up on Bran Man. He was over behind the rock climbing plastic wall thingy, kinda under a know...kinda... Anyway, I yell, "Bran, whatchya doing?" And he replies, nice and loudly, "I'm pooping!" Oh no you're not... But yes. Sprinting over, hoping to catch it before it really starts (not LITERALLY catch it, gross! Catch the situation), there's my boy, britches down, poo on the ground, poo on his shoe, poo on his pants. Oh, man. Luckily, the 3 other moms were on the OTHER side of the wall, and couldn't see what was going on. A few kids ran by, but they don't notice bare tushies all that much. As I kicked wood chips over his little pile, and gently yanked up his Spiderman undies, I set out explaining that while he can pee outside he should not poop outside. "Why?" he asked all innocently. Of course. What's the difference to a 3-yr old? So now he can only pee (or poo) outside if he asks a mom or dad first. That's the plan. We'll see how it goes. He did ask to pee today at the park, and I told him I'd take him over to a more secluded spot, "over there," so what did he do? Down to the ankles go his pants right there in the NON-secluded spot, and THEN he shuffled over, little white buns gleaming in the drizzle for all to admire. Sigh. We're working on it.
Note: I DO take him to an actual bathroom when there's one around...It's not like I'm a TOTAL spit-in-the-face-of-civilization person. I know I don't want to walk all over other random 3-yr-olds' pee, so I'm sure others don't want to either. And yeah. I shoulda moved the poo.


zachariah said...

Nice... when you got to go, you got to go!

Mike said...

Ha Ha Ha!!!! Jonah has pooped outside, only in our backyard that know off, but still it was pretty bad. He got there quick and understood he couldn't do that. But is far as the pants coming down, well that is still happening at times. The boys just see it as a big deal at all, totally natural. Just a couple weeks ago in church Jonah tried to pull his pants done to show another mom his new spider man undies...

Sooo you didn't pick it up? Really, Come on Fiona!

Julie said...

Haha! Yep, our Jonah has been known to go wherever he needs to. Remember last year when we went on that hike with your family? We have a picture of Jonah peeing with people all around.
Oh, that poor mom who has to clean unknown poo off of her child... Yep, you probably should've picked it up, but I if you didn't have a shovel...

Tara said...

ha ha! He is so funny, I love the way he asks why? about stuff. And I totally think you should have had Uncle Gary deal with moving the poo ;)

heidi and Doug said...


Rochelle said...

One day when Ben was in kindergarten I came to pick him up and he was outside with all the other kids peeing on a big oak tree. I was so embarrassed! I never had to deal with poooing though! Funny Story! I can't believe you didn't remove the poo. I wonder who stepped in it.

fiona said...

I know, I know...I covered it well, at least, and nudged it into the corner with my toe. The majority of the "project" looked like it ended up on Bran's own shoe, but still...maybe some friendly stray dog will come by and discover it for us. Maybe I'll check next time I'm at that park and if it's still there I'll figure something out. I do feel slightly guilty.

Sutherlands said...

fjr gjvjkjgsl;sdls;
Alex likes the poo story. I am v n nalnonv,bhmjbgyhft n yjtgbn g ghg

I too am wondering who stepped in it! ahaha.

Sutton Family said...

I don't think the pooping in public is gonna come back to bite you- but the leaving of said poop in a playground!!! There's gonna be Wanted posters up next time you go back! so so so so funny. I did get a diaper bag potty when Gwen was potty training. It was like a little fold up stand that you attached plastic bags to so they could do their business in a sack to be thrown away. It saved me many a long walk. If you're interested, I'll hook you up. ;-)

Megan B ♥ said...

Snicker, snicker...