Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Monday, of course, was Labor Day, and since poor Zachariah has to have US and Bulgarian holidays off when we all know he'd rather be working, we took another day trip to Plovdiv, about 2 hrs away. It's the 2nd largest city in Bulgaria, after Sofia, and has loads of cultural and other events. We didn't go to any, but it really has that know. It's very old, started out as a Thracian settlement, and then was conquered by Alexander the Great's father, Phillip the II of Macedon (that's a statue of him in the pic below). It also has a lot of history as a literary and art center, and was an important city during the Bulgarian national movement, during Ottoman rule, which led eventually to the uprising/liberation of Bulgaria.
This is the Roman stadium. Most of it is underneath the streets and buildings, but this part you can look down on.

Here's the Roman amphitheatre. It was really fun to go down there! They still perform operas and shows here. How cool would it be to go watch one?! In a 2nd-century Roman amphitheatre...pretty cool...

Nuala and Bran are those itty-bitty people in the front, dancing for the audience.
And a picture from down on the stage.
Ready for the show to start...

The steps were crazy steep. Crazy. And these ones don't really show it well, but some of the others were super in, there was practically a bowl where your foot would go. Makes you wonder about all the other feet over the centuries that stepped there...

The main pedestrian thouroughfare. The houses and buildings were so pretty. Apparently there are a lot of house museums here, but we didn't feel the timing was right to drag N&B into one of those. Timing = sanity-of-parents, in this case.

Nuala had fun whispering secrets to this old fellow. Bran was a little weirded out.
We stopped for Doners at this little place, and Bran begged and begged to try out the toy machine. So we let him. With Z's help -- just a little -- he snagged a little stuffed puppy on his first try! He was so excited. Unfortunately, then Nuala thought SHE was going to automatically get one, too...Yeah, life is full of disappointments, girlie... The Nuala-sized complaints that erupted (and that is a perfect word for them) when her claw came back empty were slightly embarrassing, but no one knows us there, so oh well!

Pink ice cream afterwards helped make it all better, anyway! She was really good about spooning bits into everyone's mouth, even Bran's. We had such a fun time! Well, there were some 2-yr old moments (besides the toy issue), but still, a fun time. We really are enjoying our opportunity to be here in Bulgaria!

(hey, it's 09/09/09 today!)


RondaJo said...

I am so jealous of the cool things your family gets to go do and see. What great memories for your children to have!

Nuala and Bran are looking so grown up and super adorable!

David said...

This is Mom ...
Plovdiv looks so unique... and old. It's great you can have those experiences... and nice to have so many holidays to explore everything! Yeah, too bad poor Zac has to take them all :) and it's a good thing you can pretend you are not too sick to make those fun trips Fiona ... Nuala and Bran are having fun too and they look so cute all the time... thanks for sharing it all with us ... now, I want to go get a book and read MORE about it (but I don't have time!) ... love you all, Mom (Dad too) xox

Julie said...

Wow! I am always in awe of the oldness (I don't know if that is a word...) of places outside the US. I love imagining who was there a long time ago too. Amazing!

Cara said...

Wow! What cool trips you have gotten to take! I love the old buildings and history behind them. So lucky! All I get to see is TX! Oh and Utah somtimes!
Great pictures!

Sutherlands said...

How fun! That amphitheater is cool!
I am trying to get back in the blogging, i was just getting caught up on the Rollins Rundown. It sounds like you guys are doing great!

Unknown said...

1. That amphitheater was awesome. And what's even cooler is that you could just walk around it, like it's not roped off or guarded or anything. Super cool.
2. Scary steps. Those are some brave 2 yr olds.
3. That statue creeped me out too
4. Your kids are so blessed to get to experience the world with you guys. They will be such neat grown-ups because of it!
5. Pink ice cream makes everything better

Unknown said...

For some reason I (Katie) was signed in under Mitch's that post up there? That was me!!! :)

Tara said...

Neat! What a cool place. I love Bran's ever present sword...poor Nuala, I'm glad she at least got some pink ice cream!