Monday, June 01, 2009

Новото ни вкъщи в Вългария... our new house in Bulgaria

It is time for us to be moving on again, we've enjoyed living in Montevideo but we are also really excited to get to our new home and settle in. I had a business trip to Europe in late April and while I was there I was able to take a week and visit Sofia and see the outside of our new house. It's pink, and outside pictures don't do the inside justice. It also couldn't be located in a better place. It is up the side of Vitosha mountain just under the treeline, and the ski resort is nearby, along with the embassy... though I'm personally more excited to be close to some decent skiing, it's been a long time coming. Nuala loves the fact that it is pink.
We sold our TV and home theatre this last week, but Nuala the Disney movie czar is convinced that we just mailed the big 'ol tv on to the "Pink House". It's been a lot of fun as we prepare to packout to see what the kids think about moving and where we are going, and a little sad to realize they have no comprehension of the fact we will be living out of suitcases the next 9 weeks starting this wednesday. They are going to want to go "home" after the first 2 weeks of being on the road, hopefully they will forget what they are missing as they get to play with their tons of cousins in Texas and Seattle.

Prior to travelling to Sofia I was in Frankfurt for a week, and in between heading to Bulgaria I had a weekend so I drove over to Brussels to visit my cousin and his wife, Greg and Megan, who are attending the same Masters program I did already too many years ago. Fiona and I will always have a soft spot for Brussels, if you haven't been... go, it's such a great city. While there I hit a bunch of our favourite places.

Beersel Castle

St. Michaels Cathedral, near Grand Platz

Five star accomadations at the Jentzsch residence


Shannon said...

LOL! Greg mentioned the sleeping arrangements. I didn't realize how small the couch actually is.

Rochelle said...

Bulgaria really sounds intriguing.
I LOVE the pink house. You know we're all jealous of all the world travel you do. Have fun living out of suitcases!

Sari said...

The picture of you on the couch cushions was awesome!! Yes we cant wait for you to visit either. Mathias cant wait to go camping with Bran & Nuala.... see you guys in another month!

Megan and Greg said...

That last shot is hilarious! I laughed outloud! It was good to see you! Can't wait to hear all your Bulgarian adventures!

Twinkies said...

Thanks you just made me really home sick. and I'm also really craving my fries and waffles. grrrr. Your pink house looks awesome. You guys will have a ton of fun there.

Marc said...

I loved the last picture as well. It looked like it could have been from your college days. Tara and I are pretty jealous of your travels as well, but are really looking forward to your visit. See you soon!

Julie said...

You are not thaaat tall, so that couch must've been tiny! Funny picture! I am a little envious of all of your family's adventures and being able to live in so many countries! What great experiences! Although, if Mike told me we were moving to another country for an extended period of time I don't know what I would think...(a bit of a homebody).
I love that you all picked out a pink house just for Nuala. Just kidding. But really, she might think it is her house and she might decide that she needs to be a pink princess in it and you all will need to be her servants. Of course you'd all be wearing pink too. Fiona can get extended use out of that pink tye-dyed shirt of hers! Luckily Bran can just fit into Nuala's stuff. Zac might need to put in some red socks with his whites. Okay, now you think I'm really weird. Maybe so.

Tara said...

How exciting! Your house is so cute on the outside! I saw some super snowy pictures of Bulgaria the other day...seems like it will be quite a change from Uruguay!

Rob and Erin said...

Awesome! So glad you'll be in the same or almost the same time zone as us!!! Good luck! can't wait to see you!

Julia said...

I wonder how often that house has to be re-pinkified to maintain its color...

Mike said...

I am sooo scared of Bulgarian!!! I saw your study book in May, but seeing the title to the post....I mistakenly thought only the Asian languages had such a significantly different alphabet.

How exciting to be moving again!!! I know it is a lot of work and kinda sucks to lose so many people you know, but wow, 2 years basically on the beach, and now 3 years on the side of a great skiing area. Can't wait to see how your next move tops it.

Does Bulgaria have enough holidays similar to Uruguay to work with your lifestyle?...

zachariah said...

Bulgaria actually has more holidays, so I can probably make it work.

Megan B ♥ said...

Fi, I haven't figured out what you guys do to be such amazing, nomadic travelers? Do tell, I haven't read back far enough for the details!!

pauline said...

great pics Zac ... I really wanted to see INSIDE the pink house! We too giggled seeing you camp out on the skinny/short couch ... but, I think you could sleep anywhere! Love, Mom R (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Hey Megan! My hubby works for State Dept, that's our ticket to life abroad... so every 2 or 3 years we'll be packing up and heading somewhere new -- for a while at least!