Where Nuala accessorizes with everything pink, Bran likes to be prepared for attacks from zombies, monsties (the twins word for monsters), or any other foul creature (read uncle Gary). (The wooden spoon is a sort of hybrid weapon which can alternately be used to help daddy cook or fend off pirates)
Wow, talk about being well prepared! What a cutie, I love the picture! He is so stinkin cute!
Bran is the Man! Ready for anything and anyone. At least he doesn't have to worry about his pants being weighted down. Great picture! Love Dad (and Mom)
ROTFL Ok thats excelent the diaper and no clothes reminds me a little of Robyn and her naked with the Heman sword strapped to her.I say he has enough weapons for an army though!!
Looks like Zac has really instilled the Boy Scout motto in him: "Be Prepared."
I mean, what if he somehow lost the wooden spoon, a sword, and the gun. Then he would only be left with ONE sword!
When Zac bought those helmets I thought that they would fit the kids perfectly for some reason. And no, not because I think your kids have balloon heads or anything! I think it is because they don't look like babies anymore (and have thus been looking so much older in their pictures).
Wow, he is ready for anything! How many weapons can you fit in one 2 year-old belt? I love the pathway of destruction behind him, so funny!
Wow, super cute. I love his excited face!!! It's amazing how boys are just boys. I never did anything like that.
Bran is just so cute! I love the smile on his face. He knows he is cool! And prepared for anything! You know Jonah's blue and white ribbon? That thing is still around (He still plays with it daily...) and has been Jonah's toolbelt from time to time.
I love his expressions in your pictures. I think I need to meet this boy :)
By the way, the wooden spoon in our house is multi-purposed as well...ie mama's hammer (b/c daddy takes all his tools with him everyday),spankin' spoon (yes, it's true....only when they are really, really terrible ;) ), and of course for cooking.
Wooden spoons. What would Mamas and little boys do without them? :)
HAHHA i love it
he is totally CUTE!
Spankin' spoon! Ha! That totally brings back memories of being a kid and getting wooden spoon spankings, with the occasional breakage of said spoon on my or a sibling's rear...obviously not well constructed... ;) And yes, only when we were really behavin' bad, before my poor mom feels like I'm bad-mouthing her!
Now picture Bran wearing his dinosaur rain boots and the cuteness factor rises even more! (I know, hard to believe...) ;)
Dad said if it was your behind, you certainly deserved it ... Fiona!!! I rarely, very rarely, used the wimpy wooden spoon ... if I'd used a nice sturdy one, it'd never have broken ... but, no, I was TOO nice to use a big fat one, so ... yes, I think I remember it breaking once ... it was defective :)... You children usually got to write essays or lines, do extra chores, apologize, etc... but only at times when you did something dangerous, and after many many warnings, did the spoon come out. Thanks! There that feels better......... Love, Mom xox
HAHAHA! Thats cute! He looks so proud of himself! And ready for anything!
so stinkin cute! He really has thought of everything. now if only he had something that would work at protecting his alfojar (however you say it!) cookies!
Adorable! And for the record, Sari, my doll was lying on the ground in the background of that picture...in fact she was wearing more clothes than me. :)
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