¡QuĂ© rico!
When he realized Mama didn't mind, and in FACT, was taking pictures, signifying silent approval, he moved out into the open, back to the couch to watch Blues Clues with his sis.
And so sweet...he actually SHARED with her. Notice how he's watching her like a hawk? He's been burned before.
Unfortunately for Bran, he allowed himself to be distracted at a crucial moment, and POOF! The alfajor vanished.
Nuala did a fantastic job of 100% ingoring her poor, distraught brother. I think she (like her mother) must have a slight crush on Joe and was able to put all distractions aside. Or she was savoring that last delicious bite of alfajor and couldn't spare attention for anything else. Both are valid theories...also, see the chapstick clutched in her tight little fist? That girl almost always has one or two within reach, and we almost always find their empty shells days later, guts dug out by her little fingers. But yeah, tuned her poor brother out pretty darn quickly.
Poor little guy! The tears petered out eventually. Cruel, heartless mother...taking pictures of his misery. But it was really cute! Besides, he did get most of that alfajor. And most of a few others, if we wanna get specific, so don't feel too sorry for him.
No wonder theres bites out of all of them by the time I get around to opening one up...
Lol soooo cute! I love how Nuala just blocks him out that is what I do to kyle! It must be a girl ability ;) Those look delish!!!
I so miss alfajores!
I love the picture of Bran in the dark kitchen with the alfajore. Classic. I can't believe how big they have both gotten too. He looks so grown up.
Mmmm... alfajores. What more can I say?
Yum! That looks good. Bran is sneaky! Poor thing, his face got sooo red.
I love the picture of Nuala getting a huge bite! and then the one where Bran looks away at that "crucial" moment, haha lol! they are so funny :0)
Yum! I want one (or maybe a few more...) of those! Poor little guy. This has NEVER happened in our house. Just kidding! Jonah has lost many a cookie due to big-mouthed and hungry Paige. He is now a bit possessive of his treats. He watches carefully, just like Bran did (for the most part!). I think it is so funny that you got pictures of this! Paparazzi parents...
Those look FANTASTIC! I don't suppose there is a recipe for them somewhere?
Poor Bran.
This is Mom ...
Now that I have quit LOL, and also that my sides have quit hurting so much :) :) :) I can comment... Poor Bran ... that was his mistake, moving out into the open! Nuala surely has her mouth good'n wide open on that first bite; I think I'd've taken a cue from that for future reference ...I'm sure he will the next time! It's nice of him to generously offer her a 2nd bite...even tho the bit that's left will easily fit into her mouth!
It was all very funny, and of course I could see you there with your camera, and listening to/ignoring his screaming complaints. Does it work the other way around too (Nuala sharing with Bran, or does she take steps to make sure she gets the last bite?....). Thanks for a good LOL ...love, Mom (Dad too) xox
I first heard of these cookies when you posted about them a couple of weeks ago and had no idea what they were, so I looked them up and tried them, I understand Bran's tears, and I am sure mine were not near as good as the real thang.
Oh my goodness. I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying. Poor Bran...how can you NOT feel sorry for him with those pics??? Sobbing his heart out while his heartless sister looks the other way and his mother exploits his pain for the amusement of others? Awwww...poor baby.
Too funny about the sneak snack attacks. The kid knows what he likes and he has a nose for it! LOL!
Hahaha! That is so funny! I love the picture of the first bite by Nuala, it definitely looks like Bran is worried about how big a bite she will take (kinda like when Mom used to bite stuff when we were little...). Poor guy, he looks so sad! I love Nuala's indifference afterwards. I'm sure Bran's done his share of taking what Nuala wants too...
Man, I had mate and a chivito and thought I had Uraguay covered. But, somehow you forgot to mention the really good stuff. I only got the weird ones...
I love dulce de leche!!!
I love Bran's face when he cries. I think I have that face when someone takes away my sweets too.
I must have missed the post a couple of weeks ago, because when I read the title, I a thought that was how one of the little ones tried to say "All for your love". That shows how uneducated I am in delious desserts. They look great and I understand Bran's pain of not getting something that good.
Great pictures!!! Loved it! Poor little guy.
I just laughed so hard looking at Bran's face and Nuala's total oblivion of it!!!! Those pics are priceless!
Boys! Such snackers!
Way to catch the action! I love their faces...Nuala so oblivious (yeah right) and Bran so so so distraught!
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