Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Hero... :)

Nuala and Bran have really been into watching The Princess Bride lately. The first time they saw it was while Zachariah was gone and for some reason -- I can't imagine why! -- the scene in the Fire Swamp when the R.O.U.S's (Rodents of Unusual Size) attack Wesley had them gaping. Mouth...eyes...all about 4 times their normal sizes. And of course, I was fixated on them and their reactions. Love 'em.

Immediately after Wesley dramatically stabs the last R.O.U.S (and I always wondered why Buttercup didn't help out more, I mean, come ON! Sure, she whacked one with a big stick a little, but I'm certain she could have contributed a teeny bit more...), Bran turned to me and said, holding his little shoulder, right where Wesley had his big, bloody gnaw-mark:

"Ban owie! Acá (here). Ratón (mouse) bite Ban! Ban save Mama!"

Awwwwww... Melted my (slightly-impatient-lately-due-to-extreme-rascaliness) heart.

Of course, that heroic statement may just help settle the score, seeing as how when Poppie was here and the two of them were playing monsters, anytime Bran let himself get a little too into it and started taking Poppie's monster bites seriously, he'd shriek (really, with genuine worry that he was going to be eaten in his voice): "Eat Noona! Eat Mama!!" Sacrificed us pretty dang quickly then...

I sure love my sweet, brave boy. Here he is, having a ball honing his fighting skills with the big boys...


David said...

Yet again... I am on Dad's spot ...

That's nice ... his desire to "save Mama" ... probably it's easier to proclaim such a thing when he's in no REAL danger ... from the tv screen vs Poppie :) great pics of your little guy... he sure is cute! love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Katie said...

Ha! That's funny :) Isn't it funny to watch that now and see how terrible the special effects, like the ROUS were? We didn't know any difference though. I bet our kids will eventually.

Megan and Greg said...

Ah, that is really sweet. And HILARIOUS he was giving you guys up to save his life! Ha! He looks so old in the pic with the older boys! Wow!

Tara said...

Oh my gosh, Bran offering you and Nuala to Poppie instead made me laugh so hard! Cute! Way cute too that he was going to save you from the R.O.U.S'...I always thought Buttercup was pretty useless in the scene too...Super cute picture of Bran!

Julie said...

Oh, cute story! I am surprised at your kiddos choice of a movie! If given the choice, Jack would chose something with Elmo in it-and then he'd only watch for maybe 5 minutes. And your kids are actually watching a real movie...

fiona said...

Well, they don't really watch the whole thing, just the "interesting" parts. Bran especially doesn't have as much patience for a movie as Nuala.

Yeah, the special effects! ha! Though it's such a classic I think future generations will continue to feel the love :)

Rob and Erin said...

How Sweet! He's so funny, haha, "eat Noona, eat Mama." I love that picture of his cute little face! Also, Buttercup used to bug me in that scene too, well, a lot of the scenes. Anyway, yay for your sweet Wesley Bran boy!

Rochelle said...

I think poppie should eat daddy!

Sutherlands said...

What an adorable little hero! Alex is very overprotective of me, so much so that if anyone tickles me or pretends to attack me and I screech or laugh or yell in mock terror, he bursts into tears. You should have seen me trying to play twister, after one round he was screeching is terror, so that I had to stop playing. I sometimes wonder if it is just a stage or if he will grow out of it. :) Bran is so sweet though!

Shannon said...

He is so funny--no eat mama first! I love the pic of him playing swordfighting with the big kids.

Kyle said...

Ahhh! I just bought Reid "The Princess Bride" for his b-day. Thanks, now I want to watch it again. Love that movie. And little boys who want to protect their mommas. And yours is especially cute!

Heidi said...

That top picture of him is so sweet. What a cute boy.

Mike said...

So great. Saves you when he is sitting comfortably on a couch watching the movie....but gives you up in a second when it counts!!!

All of our kids would do the same to me though.

It is still really great when they want to save you!!!

Aislinn said...

I could just ditto Tara. There are tears in my eyes from laughing about him sacrificing you and Nuala to Poopie. What about Daddy? LOL! So cute that he was willing to save you from the mice, though...maybe he'll step up to the plate and save you from the giant roaches, too...

Aislinn said...

Poppie! I meant Poppie! *blush*