Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I love IVF

I was walking back from the park one day last week, wrestling the stroller up and down not-very-stroller-friendly curbs while Nuala and Bran lazily munched on crackers, when an older, sharply-dressed woman who was power-walking purposefully past us noticed the two same-sized children and screeched to a halt. "Son mellizos?" Are they twins? Normal question. The next question was a surprise to me. "Did they happen naturally or did you do a procedure?"
Usually people are curious about multiples, and for some reason really want to know how you (well, me, in this case) were lucky enough to get two blessings for the price of one. But I, unlike many moms of multiples, have never been asked in my 3-years of pregnancy/motherhood quite so flat-out, and by an older woman, the how-to of Bran and Nuala. Usually people dance around the question, with inquiries such as, "Oh, do twins run in your family?" (which I love to answer with, "no, but they did in our doctor's office!" haha..followed by a confused expression and my IVF explanation.) So it was kind of a surprise. Which was a little refreshing, the directness. Maybe it wouldn't have been quite so refreshing if she had just been an obnoxiously nose-in-your-business kind of person, I guess, but further conversation revealed that her daughter has been doing IUIs (intra-uterine insemination) and is about to move on to IVF so she had a real interest in the subject. By the way, IUIs = total waste of money. At least for us. Bleh.

Honestly, I usually volunteer the information that Nuala and Bran are our IVF miracles. If we end up talking about them for more than a couple of sentences, I usually pop out with, "yeah, we did IVF..." so I have no qualms about talking about it. In fact, I probably give out a little too much information.

Here are the two reasons for my openness...

One: to be a bright and shining (or frazzled and crazy) ray of hope, and source of info if necessary, to others who might be going through the same struggle, or if nothing else to just raise awareness about infertility.

Two: kind of embarrassing...I feel as if I'm going to come off sounding so...prideful. But here it is. I'm, um...sorta proud (see how I fear I will seem "prideful"?) of all the hard work that went into getting these two! Maybe "proud" is not the right word. I feel that sweet sense of accomplishment that one gets from fighting a battle and finally prevailing. An emotionally, financially, mentally, and physically draining battle in which we were mercilessly knocked down so many times yet were able to struggle back to our feet. Not at all to imply that natural pregnancies are devoid of hard work or are any less yearned for by the parents. Being pregnant is hard work. Period. Just because someone got pregnant the fun way doesn't make their babies any less wanted or important. Same with adoption. But, heck! IVF is a pain! In so many ways. And we went through it and were so blessed, SO blessed to have a successful and healthy pregnancy and delivery. So blessed to finally have our babies. And I know our IVF success wasn't due to me or my awesome uterus (though it was highly praised by several doctors, thank you very much...what, you didn't want to know that??)

I know 100% of the credit is due to our Heavenly Father. We did all we could, but in the end, it was totally in His hands. And I thank Him for these children many times a day (yep! even on the rascally days, which we have been experiencing MANY of lately...). I am also exceedingly grateful for the blessings of modern science, the amazingly microscopic and detailed procedures that allowed us the privilege of caring for these two very choice little spirits.

And the procedures are amazing. Such as: ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection). The doc grabs one single sperm by the "neck," and says,"hey you! You're gonna fertilize this egg or die trying!" and manually injects the eager little swimmer staight into the egg. Who'da thought? I'm so grateful to have these medical advances available!

Which brings me to another somewhat eye-rolling aspect of the whole fertility treatment thing. Thankfully this has never been expressed to my face, but soooo much online from comments on news stories, or wherever, I hear "obviously God didn't mean for these people to have children!" Oh, pul-LEASE. If that were the case, no amount of effort or ingenious medical procedures are going to circumvent Him. Come on. It's insulting to Him, I think, to imply that if He truly meant for someone to not have children, that He wouldn't have the power to enforce His will, that a mere mortal could dink around with some sperm and eggs and create a life behind His back. And when does anyone know God's plan for other people? or even for themselves, for that matter? Do they not understand the concept of trials, and of doing all you can do when faced with a trial and leaving the rest up to Him?

And of course I don't understand all the "why's" behind why some wonderful people are not blessed in this life with children while the 14-yr-old down the street is pregnant, or the whole Octomom situation... There's a lot of stuff I don't understand. I don't worry too much about it. He has told us "my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways...For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).

I love how Nephi, a prophet in the Book of Mormon, says it: "...I know that he loveth his children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things (1 Nephi 11:17). Me, too. Though I don't know the meaning of all things or have all the answers, I DO know He loves His children and has a plan for each of us, and I'm very grateful that Nuala and Bran are included in that plan for me. I didn't "sneak" them behind his back. He willingly and lovingly gave them to me.

Medical advancements, including fertility treatments, are a blessing. The Lord put the knowledge on earth to bless people. Sure, like all knowledge, people can use it for good or ill ( I don't believe for a second that those babies are mistakes in any way, but the situation...), and I have no problem taking advantage of the technology available to bring my babies into the world. Did I say, "no problem?" I meant: I am beyond thrilled that it's available! I am also thrilled that my not-so-great vision (thanks, Dad!) can be easily corrected by wearing contacts/glasses, and while we're on the subject, boy was I grateful that not only did someone utilize the technology to create life-flight helicopters, but that one could get my sister to a competant doctor quickly enough after a car accident in the middle of nowhere so that he could use other medical advancements to save her life. AND I have fillings. Etc, etc. See what I mean?

I believe in a God who enlightens His children, in all aspects of their lives. He can inspire men and women to innovate and create and discover, leading to great progress for all mankind, and He also can guide each of us in our personal lives and decisions, such as how to go about building a family. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). And for that, I am grateful.

So...I love IVF. Not so much all the "fun" little details of it, but because through it, I have my children.

{And also because I can truthfully say, when Nuala and Bran ask how babies are made, "well, we went to the doctor and told him we wanted a baby, so he got you and your brother ready and put you inside mommy's tummy..." heehee ;) No! I won't! I mean, they'll know all about how we got them, but I'll fill 'em in on the real facts o' life, don't worry...}


Rochelle said...

That was very nicely said. I tell people all the time about the miracle of IVF. I don't think some people know about it really. It's very nice of you to share your experience to help others. Your babies are amazing, adorable, smart, fun! You guys are terrific parents! Daniel wishes you were his parents. Or rather he would like to be like you guys with his kids. 'Cause you're so much fun!

Bonnie said...

Nice post, Fiona. I agree with everything you said, as you know. You should post it on the "other" blog as well.

And I agree with you that having to go through so much just to get your babies increases your appreciation for them a million-fold.

They sure are cuties!

Julie said...

I love how open you are about IVF. We were really blessed to not have to go that route, but I am so thankful that parents like you are able to take advantage it! You are wonderful parents! And I was so glad when I asked you about it on the cruise and you told me step by step, the whole process without making me feel bad for asking. I felt pretty ignorant of the whole process. I shouldn't have been. I probably could have researched IVF online, but I just hadn't. Thank you so much for your openness and honesty and sharing your thougts on the process!

Sara said...


I often wish previous generations of women in my family had been more open about their (now obvious) fertility issues, as some of mine are almost certainly genetic. I often wonder how much more difficult it was for my grandmother to struggle with it and to have it be too "taboo" to discuss in "polite" company.

I was beyond blessed to require only minimal medical intervention (along with time and a loss) in the "motivation" of Woodstock's creation and miraculously thrilled to discover spontaneous conception (shockingly against every piece of medical wisdom out there) of Baby Girl 2. While I'm not a fan of the 30 weeks of morning sickness and the other side-effects, I am beyond amazed at what I, with God, am able to create.

Never, ever will I take my children for granted. Ever. Even on the days I threaten to sell them to the gypsies.

David said...

That was a great "monologue" Fiona! Though I know your feelings about it all, I enjoyed reading about your experience, and your perspective. You are right, those little ones are worth any effort. hee hee, that was great ... how you will be able to tell the twins about how they got into your tummy:) Love, Mom xox

Handsfullmom said...

What a beautifully written post about your miracles.

I don't get the "God didn't mean for them to have children" argument either. If I believed that, then I'd have to think, well, God must have meant for my daughter not to see well because she needs glasses to help her do it.

I think we are blessed to live in a day where there are so many options.

I'm also glad you're not shy about answering questions about it.

Sylvia said...

That was so fun to read! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts and feelings on "gettin'" your babies!! They are precious little people and you are a great mom!

Rob and Erin said...

I love IVF! Thank you for sharing. This was a very uplifting post. It's so important to see the big picture, and I love that verse in 1st Nephi. Beautiful picture, you do C-sections WAyy better than me ;) Look at those two little bundles! So Cute!!! Can't wait to see them again in June!

Tara said...

I love the explanation of where babies come from for Nuala and Bran...good post. I was surprised when people in my infant development class at BYU were saying those same things about IVF! (The negative things, not the good things) Surely they understood that Heavenly Father is still involved in the process. But no, I was the only one defending how great IVF was (and you know I don't like to comment in class ;) Well, my teacher agreed with me...anyway, I figure some of them will change their minds when they actually get to have some experience with it!They definitely would change their minds if they could meet Nuala and Bran!

Megan and Greg said...

Oh that was really nice. I love that pic of you and the twins. It's really heart warming, I just like it. And Fiona, please, you can say your experience was harder. Puh-LEASE! You did the normal pregnancy PLUS all the extra stuff we'll never understand or know the FULL details of. I'm really glad you got Nuala and Bran. We love them too! We love looking on here, reading about things they do and watching them get bigger.

I am SO with ya there on that "wasn't meant to be" statement totally being a bunch of crap. That's like saying everyone that has cancer was just not supposed to live as long. Give me a break. People always said that "it wasn't meant to be" when I had my miscarriage and it never made me feel better.

I was asking Zac about it when he was here and I was just thinking how wonderful it is that we live here and now and not 100 years ago (or even 10) and these miracles weren't able to happen yet. It's wonderful.

Katie said...

I concieved all three of my children the "fun way" (haha), and yes, the pregnancies were hard, but I know how trying (physically and emotionally) all the IVF stuff can, be proud big mama!! You got two babies because you worked twice as hard!! Toot your horn :) And God's :)

kws said...

Fiona, thanks for this post. Your spiritual perspective on IVF is awesome (as are you, of course)!

Melanie said...

I love the picture of you as a brand new mom!!

Cara said...

Double blessed! Look at those cute things! I love newborns!
Its nice to see you are so open about the whole thing.

Sutherlands said...

Now that's one for the books! Wow. I feel like i just listened to an awesome talk at church, you know, one that really reaches deep inside you and makes you think, and feel good, and know that God loves each of us equally. Everyone has trials and he is always there to help us through them, we just have to reach up and take hold of his hand. What a blessing you are to have in this family! We love you Fiona ( and z and N and B, too!).

Kyle said...

Oh my gosh! I can totally tell which of your kids is which in that last pic. (Is that weird?) And you look like "the 14-year-old down the street" in that same picture! ;) You definitely don't look like you just had two children!!!

I love that you are so honest about your path to motherhood. You deserve both of your little blessings and so many more!

Ashlee said...

I had no idea you did IVF. I just figured it must have run in the DNA somewhere. :0) I'm so happy that it worked for you. They are such cute kids!

Aislinn said...

This is a great post, Fiona! Those sweet babies surely weren't a mistake or a "sneak attack on God" for sure. You're very good at putting things into words. :o)