Tuesday, February 10, 2009

more than you ever wanted to know about FIONA!

So, this is a Facebook (curse that Facebook! Mindless drainer of time, that it is...sigh.) tag, but since I went to all the trouble of writing it out, I'm going to put it on here, too. And then, since we print out our blog, I will have it forever and ever, preserved for all posterity. The luckies. Also, it was fun. So here you have...25 things about FIONA.

1. I love cayenne pepper. I think I'm addicted. I put it on everything practically. If I run out, I seriously go a little crazy. Food is just so boring when it's bland. I 'm pretty sure I get this from my mom, who, despite being born and bred in Ireland, carries jalapeƱos in her purse when going to restaurants.

2. I always have to smell my books every few pages when I'm reading them. Stick my nose right in the middle and take a deep breath! It's gotta be my favorite smell -- books. Except a couple of weeks ago I got a used book in the mail that smelled like stinky feet. It was a great book, but difficult to read, because I couldn't get my fix. Just a noseful of feet.

3. I went skydiving for my 18th birthday and I don't think anything can match the adrenaline rush of free-falling towards earth. I want to take up paragliding when we have more time/$$.

4. Once I entertained in a pub in Ireland. Well, I was only 7...my sis and I got to sing on-stage at my granddad's favorite pub, the Ninety-Eight, and I still remember it being a blast.

5. When I was little I wanted to be a boy. The first day of kindergarten, I met my best bud for the year, Eugene, when he came up to me and asked if I was a boy or a girl. That just made my day! Of course, I soon realized the awesomeness of being a girl, but have always been somewhat of a tomboy.

6. I hate to fill the Brita water pitcher. Ugh.

7. I had a HUGE crush on Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon when I was in 6th grade. Sigh... I finally got the 1990 movie, and still love those crazy Turtles. What's NOT to love?

8. I love to play sports and I'm usually pretty good at them. I'm playing team handball with a bunch of Uruguayan friends here, and I love it. Not as much as basketball, but it's still very fun. BUT (point of this), biiiiig exception to the sports-playing: Ice hockey. I played for a year on the local team while at BYU and I stunk. Never could figure out how to stop, which is semi-important...

9. I can write really fast. I was always super quick at copying notes on the board in school so I could have time to read.

10. I can juggle, but only 3 things.

11. I HATE needles (unlike all y'all, who no doubt love them). Yet, ironically, had to do IVF where needles become an all-too-familiar part of life. Though I would do it all again in a heartbeat (and plan to) because these children are more than worth it.

12. Going along with the above... I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father is watching over every step of our lives, even when things aren't going great. And I'm so grateful for that! I can look back on any trial I've had and see the blessings that came from it.

13. I can think of nothing else I would rather be doing than being at home with my children. Even if they do drive me slowly (sometimes quickly) insane at times. I love to hold their little hands for a moment or two before I go to bed. They are so small and soft and peaceful while sleeping...

14. ...and still in that train of thought... I nursed my twins for 2 years...well, still going right now, they were 2 in Dec, but we're almost done. Maybe TMI, but it's on my mind right now. That first week or 2! or 3. Whew! Tough. I never want to see a pump again. But also so worth it.

15. I still have a tiny weird bump on my head that I can only feel sometimes from where my cousin Jared beaned me with a rock when I was 13-ish.

16. I laugh in awkward situations.

17. I am a horrible dancer and singer, but like to do both. Though when I ask my kiddos, they say that I am the BEST dancer and singer, so who really knows...? My husband just looks away and whistles...what's up with that?

18. I'm a very slow eater.

19. I stink at remembering car makes/models.

20. I almost always miss my turn/run stop signs when I'm talking while driving. That's with a person in the car. I try my best to never drive while talking on a cell. Imagine where I'd end up then!

21. I have to sleep with one foot out of the covers.

22. I always wanted freckles when I was a kid. When I discovered the book "Freckle Juice," I was soooo excited. I thought it might actually work. When I got to the end and found out the potion did NOT work (sorry if that's a spoiler, people!), I did what that kid did. Used a marker for a couple of days. Now I'm okay freckle-less.

23. Thursday is my favorite day. Because then it's Friday, which probably really IS my favorite day, but what can I say? I'm an anticipation sorta girl.

24. I like to rock climb and have a pretty mean heel hook.

25. If there's a crunchable leaf, I have to step on it. This poses a problem when I'm out running and it's so bad to break stride, but THERE IS A PERFECT LEAF TO STEP ON...aargh!!

Now don't you feel like you know me soooo much better? By the way, the pictures above were all taken by the twins. I think Nuala took all these ones, though Bran likes to do it, too. I see a lot of my nostrils in their work. Sadly, these are what the majority of pictures of me look like lately. Sigh. But the flower one turned out pretty darn good! Way to go, Nuala! Maybe I'll keep her on retainer...
p.s. Zachariah's going to post his soon. I'm making him. Aren't you excited?


pauline said...

Nuala did a good job on the pics ... that'd be why she's absent from the one w/Bran... So, is that one just outside your front door, w/the flowers? I think that is what it looks like to me. You did a good job bearing your soul to the world with those 25 items! Cayenne? in my pocket? to a restaurant? hmmm, maybe once...or twice (but I USUALLY don't do it! Most Texas restaurants have hot stuff, ya just hafta ask them...). Oh, and you have a pretty mean toe hook too (I clearly remember you'd scale the door jams when you were a baby/toddler). Thanks for sharing Fiona ...that's YOU alright!!! Love, Mom xox

Sara said...

Thursday is my favorite day too - I'm all about the anticipation, generally so much better than reality!

Melanie said...

Hello, my long-lost friend...it's been way too long. Good to have found you! How fun to have twins! Let's stay in touch!

Rob and Erin said...

Haha! Nice pictures, Nuala is a great photographer. I love the one with Bran in the background and my second favorite would have to be the scary-kissy face. I have to sleep with one foot out of the covers too! and I am hooked on cayenne also, though that started when we lived with you guys. AND Thursday's also my favorite day! Great post! It is all so Fiona!

Justica said...

Nuala is a very good photographer between her and Methias we will have paparazzi's for kids! Try not to get caught with your hand in the cookie jar! =)

Sutton Family said...

This was a fun tag. I'm actually posting mine on my blog today! Glad to see I'm not the only one to double dip on facebook/blog posts!!

Julie said...

I like that! I love cayenne peper too! I replace black pepper with cayenne in a lot of recipes. Tell Nuala that she takes great pictures. She must have been watching you take the last bazillion pictures!
We fly out tomorrow! Can't wait to see you all very very soon!

fiona said...

Wait -- "scary-kissy" face? That's my normal kissy face! OOooooh, maybe THAT was my problem with the boys...haha...and it was jalapeƱos you'd carry in your purse, Mom! I didn't know you stopped.

zachariah said...

#2 is Fiona's sole reason for not letting us get a kindle, our household shipments every time we move would be 1000 pounds lighter without all the books...

zachariah said...

Your book sniffing always cracks me up when we are reading in bed. And you do have an enviable heel hook...

Cara said...

Now I know why you are so thin! Eating peppers and nursing both for two years! I make it to 18 months and Then Im done!
The second picture looks like me at the end of every day!!!
The first pic is real cute :)

Rochelle said...

Maybe you could ask amazon to put a sniffer button on the kindle. Just press it and the smell of books will appear. You're really funny! I've never seen you mad though...wonder what that's like.

zachariah said...

Mad Fiona is not fun.

Megan and Greg said...

Ever since you posted this Greg and I have joked about smelling books every single. Such a bizarre practice! Hilarious! Thanks for sharing! Lots of fun!