They dragged their beanbags into their beds, apparently. This doesn't look like it would be especially UNcomfortable, until you take into account the plastic-y, fake leather type cover they have. The children drip sweat anytime they so much as close their eyes on these things. Cute, though.
And the ever cozy rocking chair with blankie neck support!
Nuala loves to read for a while after we put them in bed, it is so adorable. Right after we finish reading bedtime stories, she'll grab the book we were reading and high-tail it to her crib. Then she sits there, so excited, just examining each picture. As we finish tucking in and kissing and all the little odds and ends, she's super-excitedly telling us about everything she's looking at. I love it, it is just soooo cute. Bran likes to just lay there and chill out, thinking deep thoughts before going to sleep. Tonight Nuala had plunked herself in the beanbag, again, this time on the floor, though. She had a great little setup: blankies, babydoll, agua, books. She slid off quite easily, though, when I was moving her. You know, the sweat and all.
I know every mother since Eve has thought this about her children, but don't they look so deceptively calm and peaceful when they're sleeping? Ahhh, we sure love 'em.
Those pictures are fantastic! I wish I could sleep all contorted like that. :)
Cute! Poor Bran, getting squished...those bean bags do look pretty comfy though. I love the last picture of Nuala!
I laughed my head off at poor Bran squooshed under Nuala. She was probably just getting him back for all the tackling and wrestling he likes to do when he's awake...sleeping Bran would be much easier to pin down than awake Bran! LOL!
They're just totally, completely adorable in every picture...and kudos to them for having the upper body strength to heave those beanbags into their cribs! Wow! Talk about super babies! ;o)
And yeah...deceptively calm and peaceful sums it up pretty darn well. *sigh*
I can't believe they got those beanbags into the cribs! Or that they even thought about it... kind of makes you wonder what other plotting they are up to!!
There really is nothing more peaceful than sleeping little ones!
P.S. I think I forgot to comment the other day on your last post--those pictures of Nuala and Bran all wrapped up in blankets are SO cute!
I love sleeping children...They really are so beautiful and peaceful and I love how they sleep in those funny positions without ever waking up sore.
I cannot believe that Bran and Nuala got those beanbags in their cribs! I would have freaked a little though. I am always worried about suffocation...
It is so funny to me how much your 2 year olds plot and execute together.
My goodness they're getting so big! 2 yr. olds dragging their beanbag chairs into their beds. What constructive thinking. Keep the screwdrivers hidden away. You don't want any light sockets taken apart....(
I think the most laughing I do these days is when I read blogs :) :) :) Thanks! The pics are great... I like that you have discovered yet one more thing useful about sweat ..... a natural slide! I am thinking that Nuala is "re-reading" the story when she grabs the book and gets into bed ... it's still so fresh in her head. Funny how they are so different ... Bran all nice and calm ..... they complement each other nicely! xox
So cute! Woodstock's crib these days looks like a regular zoo. She MUST sleep with Meow, Baby and "Behr" (her light-up bear). And whatever else she has in hand when we're done with story time - usually a book.
Last night I went in and she was fast asleep on top of half the things in her crib. Made my back hurt just to look at her.
They are so cute! What angels indeed. My favorite is the Nuala rocking chair one, where she has everything she needs. It's so cute that she loves reading so much, just like her mother. and Bran man on the bean-bag is super cute too!
I am with everyone else how in the heck did they ever get those bean bags into the cribs? I would ove to have seen it. they look so cuddly when asleep and appear to be angels. I love watching little ones sleep.
We have the greatest sleeping pictures of kids too!!! It is crazy how they can just fall asleep in the strangest spots and positions. One of my favorites, and I can't figure out how it happened, is Paige sleeping with her shoulders and head on the bed, and her body and legs going straight up the side of the wall.
What strength. I can't believe how big they are.
Wow, that was too cute. I can't believe Nuala was on Bran! And that they both could sleep that way!
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