As we pulled up in front of the building, a mini panic attack hit me. I couldn't remember if I pushed the button to close our gate before we drove away. So Z had to go home and check (only 5 mins away, and yep, it was closed), and also we forgot the "tse-tses", which is what the twins call their blankies. Those are helpful to have during the last hour of church, when everyone's together for the main worship service and little 2-year-olds get extra restless.
Usually Bran and Nuala go to Nursery (la GuarderĂa), which is the class for children under the age of 3, but the Nursery teachers were out of town today, as were the other Nursery attendees, so we just kept the two of them with us. (It's major holiday time here, licencia, when loads of people are out of town, usually at beach houses.)

Anyway, Nuala and I hopped out and Bran and Z zipped back home. Later, Zachariah told me of the anguish Bran felt at the separation. All the way home and back to church, he was sobbing, and saying, "Opa, Noona! Noona! Opa!!" Opa means "oops/oh no!/uh oh!" It was just so cute to hear. He sure loves his sis. He was so sad that she had left him, poor little guy! Or he was bemoaning the fact that no doubt she had escaped the van to something much more fun...

ALSO (and this was extra cause for concern with having Nuala there), my class was in charge of Sharing Time. Meaning me, since the two 3-year-olds were as helpful as you would expect two 3-year-olds to be ;) I totally thought Nuala would try to run up to the front with me, etc., etc., but she just stayed there perched on her chair, holding her baby doll. Not a PEEP from her. Just watching everything very intently. And Sharing Time went fine! (Sharing Time is when all the Primary kids, ages 3 to 12, are in a big class together, and sing songs and have a lesson about gospel principles. Then we split up into our own with my 3-year-olds.) She was very good in our small class, too, after we split up, and only had one minor tantrum. She is just growing up way too fast! This time next year she will OFFICIALLY be a Sunbeam, instead of just a
Off-topic, but I really am glad I get to do all this stuff in Spanish. It's very helpful to me, AND I know it will help me appreciate doing it "just" in English when that time comes again. Seriously, if I was teaching Sunbeams in English, I probably wouldn't put as much preparation into really knowing the details of the lesson (even though I should put just as much prep into it, I know!), because it's easier to just wing it in your native language. You already know stories or are familiar with the church phrases that may be used, but with another language, often I find myself having to think about how to say something, or go look it up, since it's not everyday stuff...same with the Relief Society lessons, and giving a talk. Even if it makes me nervous and part of me wishes I didn't have to do it, I always am really glad to get the opportunity. Primary, though, doesn't make me nervous anymore, even Sharing Time. I love our Primary :)
(these pics are just of them snuggled up and getting warm after swimming)
Oh....opa opa oops oops oh dear.... poor li'l Bran ... I can just see him sitting there "all alone" in the back seat ... seperation anxiety BIG TIME!!! I am thinking he was really missing Nuala ... I mean, how often are they seperated?! Hardly at all! I love the pics in the blanket (ooops, that didn't sound quite like I intended.....) Bran sucking his thumb, and Nuala with a big grin! Isn't it funny how it worked out with Sunbeams and Sharing Time ... she must've just been feeling like a BIG girl to be in your class ... so she behaved accordingly (hmmm, maybe she was "intimidated" by the "big" three-year-olds .... nah, not Nuala, not like her to intimidated by much of anything.....) I remember them sleeping side by side in the beautiful little cradle your Dad made for them (Z's Dad). They were like two peas in a pod! They will probably be surprised when they eventually learn that all babies don't actually come in twos.....
Thank you for sharing, and giving
Dad & me another very good out-loud laugh!!! :>) :) :) love, Dad & Mom xox
Aw, that is soooo sweet that Bran missed Nuala! I'm sure that was his problem and not that he thought she got the better end of the deal...give the kid the benefit of the doubt, right? ;o) Awesome that Nuala was so good in Primary too! I guess it's good that poor Rowan will be stuck in nursery another 2 years, since he's definitely not willing to sit through anything like that. Poor Curtis doesn't get to go to class because R won't go to nursery and is too rascally in Sunday School and Priesthood to stay there.
And hey! My class had sharing time today, too! :o)
I love the pics of the twins cuddled in their blankets...they look so adorable!
That is so sweet about Bran missing Nuala! My kids get that way too, especially when they see a car driving away with their sibling in it. Hopefully Bran and Nuala will always be as close as they are now. How did Bran do with Zac?
Bran behaved well the first hour, Z told me, just wandering around to visit people and being fairly quiet, but during Sunday School, he decided it was time to go "find Mama!" and kept announcing that over and over really loudly as he kept ditching for the door. The two of them happened by as we were going into our smaller class, so they joined us for a little while. Bran was too rascally, though, riling those not-much-older 3 year olds up, so I evicted him and Zachariah.
Then people kept giving him candy all through the last hour -- seriously, three suckers, M&Ms, chewy candies! I'm gonna have to rein in his visits. I know it's so fun to give a little smiling guy some candy, but when EVERYONE he likes to go sit by for a few minutes sneaks him some sugar...yikes. Nuala didn't have as much, but still. It was a miracle they still napped.
When Alex and Dominic are together we always does Fiona do this on a daily basis ALONE!???
Twids are soooooo much work! Congrats for making it thus far...they are super cute!
Awww, way cute pictures! Poor Bran, separated from Nuala, that's way cute!
They are so cute! How funny that Nuala just sat there and watched! And way to go doing all that in Spanish, I'm very impressed :0) They look so cozy in their blankets.
That is so cute that Bran was all sad about nula! They look all happy and warm in thier blankets.
I just got caught up on the last few posts! Your kids are growing SO fast! They are CUTE as ever! I love how they LOVE each other!
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