Thursday, December 25, 2008


Excerpt from an AP article dated 25 December 2008: 

"The Apple computer was invented in a garage. Same with the Google search engine. Now, tinkerers are working at home with the basic building blocks of life itself.

Using homemade lab equipment and the wealth of scientific knowledge available online, these hobbyists are trying to create new life forms through genetic engineering — a field long dominated by Ph.D.s toiling in university and corporate laboratories.

In her San Francisco dining room lab, for example, 31-year-old computer programmer Meredith L. Patterson is trying to develop genetically altered yogurt bacteria that will glow green to signal the presence of melamine, the chemical that turned Chinese-made baby formula and pet food deadly.

"People can really work on projects for the good of humanity while learning about something they want to learn about in the process," she said."

This is like something out of a science fiction movie right before everything goes wrong...

Merry Christmas to all!!


Sutton Family said...

yeah... someone will end up saying "it seemed like a good idea at the time" about this.

Andrew said...

I can see the headlines now! "Man in Mississippi eats glowing green yogurt and dies. Wife sues for wrongful death, 'I thought it was another novelty food thingy.' she said to a local newspaper."