We'd been working on what to ask Santa for for the past week. Bran: "coo-coo train." Nuala: "sito" or, "cochesito," meaning a stroller for her baby doll. But of course the two of them wanted nothing to do with the lap once they got near him. Here he is on a maté break. As I tried to gently place Nuala on the jolly old fellow, she wrapped her strong little almost-2-year-old legs around my knee and, despite the immense strength I possess, I couldn't pry the child off. This was of course accompanied by screaming and wailing, while I smiled and whispered through gritted teeth, "He's nice, you'll like him!" She didn't bite. Bran was cute. He kept, very shyly, approaching Santa (or, Papa Noel, as Bran usually calls him), his little hands clutched in front of him, a little half smile on his face...it was so sweet...but he didn't want to sit on his lap either. So here we all are.
Then we enjoyed a buffet breakfast on the beautiful lawn of the DCM's house (Deputy Chief of Mission, #2 to the ambassador), with flowers blooming all around and the sun shining gently (okay, not so gently) down upon us. So nice. And THEN...what every child had been waiting for...present time!!
Nuala planted herself by Victor, the giant elf. She was fascinated watching the presents come out of the bag, get passed to Santa, and then to some lucky child. She kept trying to edge around Victor's legs to get at the sackful of toys.
And then Bran's name was called! Oh, our little guy is just so cute! And sweet. Have I mentioned he's so sweet? The shy little smile. The slow approach. The lean-in for the picture. Melts a mama's heart, it does.
And whose name was that? Yes, indeed, Nuala! Haha...I love these next few pictures! She was getting that present, but intended on staying as far away from Santa as possible. Reeeeach for it...
And look at that little smile!! Almost makes you forget all about the tantrums...almost.
Have you ever seen a more pathetic-looking little fellow? Talk about toy envy...okay, I think he was just curious, but the looks he gave all the other toys were so...sad. Bran wandered around to all the other little guys' toys and just stood and stared... I got the feeling the Hot Wheels we gave him weren't all that impressive.
And there was a bounce house and trampoline (yes, the netted one!) Those were way fun, of course. Top left picture shows Nuala diving off one of the inflatable obstacles in the bounce house. That was her stunt of choice that day, and there at the end she wrentched her little back and came hobbling out, "owie, dada, owie..." She recovered pretty quickly. And then we went home and napped. All of us. Then we played in the pool. I love weekends...
Have you noticed how much it helps when you send an em abt your post!!! I love it! Oh, I was LOL so much at those pics...I'm surprised I didn't wake up Gary! What a nice big motorbike...you can see Bran loves it. I love the mata break Santa took!... Amazing that there is something that somewhat scares Nuala .... I love the reaching shots :) :) :) and then the victory smile at having retrieved it w/o getting tooooo close! Equally interesting that Bran was somewhat comfortable with at least getting near Papa Noel! You should be glad he didn't grab the other kids' toys that he so "admired." :) :) :) It was fun to have the trampoline...nice shot of Nuala in mid air ... oh, yes, and thank you for reminding about "click it" .... howdidja know I might need that? Thanks for sharing, and for the wonderful laughs you provided xox
It's so funny seeing Santa in his big red suit and the kiddos in bare feet! Something doesn't quite mentally fit together. :)
Looks like lots of fun. And I love the Spanish "Papa Noel" - it's so much more endearing than "Santa Claus," I think.
Ha Ha thats funny! They want what he has but wont go near him! Z wouldnt go anywhere near him! But is dying for him to come and leave him gifts!
Sounds like lots of fun! Way cute pictures, I love Nuala's reaching ones! I can't believe how blonde Bran is!
Nuala upside down in mid-air: classic. What a little wild woman! I love the picture of Bran with Papa Noel too--very sweet.
Ohhh! What fun! They are getting sooo big. Nice moto! I love the pictures of them bouncing around, what an awesome party! Nuala's a crack-up, her hair is getting really long! Bran "admiring" the other toys is so cute, he looks so forlorn. They are so cute :0) Can't wait to see them again...June is getting closer, right?
It is interesting to see that Nuala has a shy side. Bran is so cute standing next to the HUGE Santa-mobile (or is it papa-mobile?)! And your right, that shy little smile is to-die-for! Good thing Nuala has long arms...
Your kids are so cute! I cant wait to see them in person! I just love Bran's sweet smile and Nuala's cute personality that always shows through in pictures.
The giant elf was interesting...
Oh, look...you twisted Nuala's hair on top of her head just like Mom used to do to you...and you hated it. Poor Nuala. ;o)
I loved all the pics! Nuala edging toward her gift is hilarious! Bran is definitely so sweet!
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