Bran's stylin' socks. And an ornament caught in mid-fling, on Nuala's back. Wow, what a photographer. How much cooler could I get? (don't answer...)

These two are such fun! And such work, but we like to focus on the fun part ;) We love them soooooo much!
(pajaro = bird, remember? So, it's the angel! Since this one has wings, of course. But you knew that!)
"pajaro mama" - that is such a totally cute name for the angel! I love it :0) and the ornament caught in midflight. I also Love you nativity globe, where did you get it? Costco? Also, Brigit has those exact same shoes that Nuala has! They can be twins, umm, triplets ? :0) just kidding hahaha We got all our Christmas stuff out today too, their magic in the air! Also, I love Bran's socks!!! Clever little boy :0)
Jonah tried to put stockings on his feet yesterday too! We didn't let him walk in them though because they were the nice ones that Grandma stitched. My kids tend to like walking in those trick-or-treat pumpkins too- pumpkin feet.
I love the nativity snow globe! We have a couple of nativities, but they never stay together. Last year the kids fought over baby Jesus. This year, Jonah and Jack both love the shepard's staff. I am looking at the nativity right now...I see Mary, the manger, a donkey and two sheep, everything else is being played with.
I am so glad that you are focusing on the fun stuff, not the hard stuff with your children. It's hard to do that sometimes!
thank you so much for sharing those special moments with us... we can feel their excitement, both with their new motos, and the beautiful nativity globe. Look at their little faces :) Those are priceless memories in the making...and you will always treasure them! Love you all.... xox
Hi there... I (Mom) wrote that last comment, but, in attempting to use my own account, it was going to make me navigate away from the page, and SURELY you know I'd get "lost" if I let that happen
!!! xox
Where did you get that nativity globe?! Please don't say Uruguay. Please, please, please. :)
These two kids are so darling! My Daniel said if he were a kid he would want you guys for parents. Bran and Nuala are so lucky! Great photography by the way.
Looks to me like they're thinking, "Hmmm, I wonder how easy it would be to break that?"
Cute kids!
The nativity globe is from...Costco! But from a while ago. Z's mom gave it to us prob. 4 or 5 years back. Costco has the coolest stuff. Yeah, it's pretty much a disaster waiting to happen, that snow globe. Or it could be. So far they are sufficiently "wow-ed" by it to treat it gently. ish. We'll see how long it lasts!
And I guess Brigit and Nuala just have really good taste in shoes :) Or their moms do. Actually, Z bought those on one of his Miami trips...hmmm...I guess he can have good taste, too. Occasionally. ;) She loves them, but always wants no socks, so they make her feet totally STINK. Don't know where she gets that from...
Haha. Great pictures. I bet they are going to have a blast this Christmas now that they are old enough to understand what's going on (and judging by how intrigued they are by the snow globe!). You guys are in for a lot of fun!
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