Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh yeah...can't forget these guys!

These "little" fellas made me feel slightly better about their for-the-most-part smaller relatives who grace us with their presence here at home. Guess I'll take small roaches over these behemoths, though maybe if it was just one huge roach vs. 20 little ones, I'd go with the one. I don't know, it's a tough decision...hmmm, yeah, still thinking on that one...anyway, here are 2 of the 3 we ran into during our stay. The 3rd one, and actually the 1st we saw, fell victim to Z's shoe. I think it's disgusting to step on roaches. Then you just have their guts all over your shoe, something that is especially sickening when you have toddlers who play with shoes...yuck.

This is in the twins' room...I was innocently playing with the kiddos when I glanced up and, wow! We let him be for a while, then Z caught him in a glass and dumped him down the toad's hole. Left him right on the toad's rear, actually. He was about 1/3 the size of the toad, we're pretty sure he ate him.

And a close up, obviously need a close-up.

And now for the shiny flying roach. I think this guy's even more disgusting. It was dark, and we were going in the kitchen, and OF COURSE the only light switch was across the room. (Incidentally, this reminds me of my old babysitter who went on a mission to Haiti and told us stories of having to cross the dark apt to the light switch, crunching roaches as she went. Nice.) As Z turned on the light, this guy scurried across the floor. He was big. Probably abt 2 inches. We stood there discussing him for quite a while, estimating his size, contemplating what to do with him. Eventually we just decided to pretend we didn't see him, and turned off the light and left. Hmmm, had I been thinking clearly, I would have made Z get down beside him so you could see the relative size...well, next time! I'm sure Z will be very cooperative.

Annnnnd, the close-up:

Now wasn't this a feel-good post?? We'll try to get some nicer pictures up soon. But still, we LOVED Aguas Dulces! Despite our sneaky housemates.


Tara said...

eeewww! Poor y'all, roaches are so gross...I agree about not stepping on them, I hate the sickening crunching sound they make as you squish them. I'm glad you were able to have fun, despite the roaches ;)

Rob and Erin said...

so don't want to think about roaches, way too many roach memories, but nice photography and way to have such a ummm...supportive? attitude.
Lucky F&Z and N&B :0)

kws said...

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I couldn't even read this post because roaches just gross me out! Hope you guys are able to keep them at bay! (Look at all these exclamation marks!!!)

Julie said...

Okay, you can show us those disgusting sandwich pictures...

Brown Family said...

Reminds me of the Dominican Republic--roaches the size of my foot, seriously, yuck! Glad you took pictures & Z smushed 'em. :)

Mike said...

I bet those babies would taste great in soup...

Handsfullmom said...

Note to self: Remember when you are enviously looking at Fiona's beach pictures that living where she does might have a downside. =)

Carolyn said...

Yuck, but totally fun outing.

Aislinn said...

Okay, wait. I need to know. You're pretty sure who ate whom? The toad ate the roach...or vice versa? ;o) Yeah, I think we'll wait until you go to Bulgaria to visit.

pauline said...

I wonder what Erin means by "way too many roach memories" ... must be your BYU Apts (according to Dad)... 'cuz we managed to keep them at bay (ya know, 'member the rules: no food EVER in bedrooms, etc etc etc...).... whenever we HAD to step on a roach with a shoe... we cleaned the shoe off by washing it.... YUCK Y U C K Y U C K --- eee roaches ... THE most disgusting things EVER!!! I will hafta read something pleasant b4 heading for bed, as I don't want that to be my "bedtime memory" ... could lead to roach nightmares.... love you guys (but not the roaches) xox

Cara said...

OH MY GOSH! I don't know how you do it! I can not stand those things!!! And I like your mom need to look at something else before I head off to bed! Thanks Fiona!!!

Megan and Greg said...

Wow. You can now knowingly sleep in the same room with these guys. Does that mean that the hard fought battle is over? Does this signify a surrender? I guess only time (and the blog) will tell...


Sutherlands said...

NASTY! I agree with Greg...are you weakening your defenses? Becoming friends with the enemy? Yuck! I hated the close-ups! I like to pretend things like that don't exist...

Erwin said...

I hate those things. We also get Geckos in the house every now and then. Nasty!