Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Basketball (and Handball): The OTHER side of Relief Society...

I know, I know....a whole week with no posts and now what do you get?? One about me. Not the cute little twins that keep you coming back. Well, too bad! But don't worry, I've got some twin stuff coming up.

This, though, is about how much I LOOOOOVE Relief Society basketball. Especially in our Chantilly Ward back in VA...oh, how I miss playing with our team and the other ladies in the stake! The reason all this is fresh on my mind is because a bunch of women from our ward here in Uruguay, and some of their friends and members of other wards, have started playing team handball on Saturdays in the church parking lot and invited me to join them (yep, same parking lot Z and I play basketball on sometimes, it's very multi-purpose :) It is so much fun!! It's a little bit like basketball, and a little bit like soccer, and I love playing with them. Seriously, you can't imagine how giddy and excited I was to go play. I really enjoy competition, even more so when I get to run around and sweat and bang into people. And I am pretty good, for only playing twice. I'm also very humble, obviously.

My 2006 YW team. I love these girls! Note: This photo is not doctored...haha

But anyway, Chantilly Ward basketball...the greatest. We had an awesome bunch of ladies, and it was such a nice break from normal life. Some stakes don't have a very good bball program, but ours rocked. And we had some hardcore players. Pregnant women, women who'd just had babies, grandmas, single women who worked all day, all sorts of women. And if you think Relief Society sisters are all sweet smiles and spiritual testimonies, you need to get on a court with these sweaty, sometimes stinky ladies. It's fun, and refreshing, and sometimes pretty funny seeing the other side. Those games can get intense!

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that as we were trying to get pregnant, and then when we found out we needed to do IVF, the first thing that would pop into my mind was, "How much basketball will I miss (with this timing)??" Luckily, it worked out that we did IVF right after the season ended (April), and then had the twins right before it started again. I played very mildly a little bit during the 2nd trimester, and was actually playing again 3 weeks after having them by c-section. I just couldn't stay away. It sounds crazy, I know, but my doc pretty much okayed it, and it was really good for me, physically and mentally. Hmmm...okay, that's meant to illustrate how fun our basketball program was, not brag about my post-c-section amazing-ness...It was not very amazing the first week or so. It was the opposite of, in fact. But c-sections aren't that bad...alright, this is getting slightly off topic.

So basically, I just miss my Chantilly Ward basketballers. We played year-round, not just during the stake season. Our very first Sunday in that ward, the Bishop's wife, Linda, passed around a bball sign-up sheet, and I was so excited. I instantly felt at home. Linda's so cute, my mom's age, and she just loves to play basketball, too. Lots of times she'd have nicely manicured nails, aka: her secret weapons. Good times. We'd end up playing with some Young Men often, during our practices, and it was a blast. I miss that. Once one of the boys kicked me in the eye while we were both going for a loose ball. I'm not quite sure how that happened...I got the ball, though, and a nice black eye. It was great...I love war wounds. Though after a few days it just looked like I went a little overboard with eyeshadow. Which I almost never wear. Lovely shade, though.

I also got to coach the YW for 3 years. I loved my girls, it was a great experience coaching and seeing them have fun and it was very rewarding to see them improve or use what we'd learned in practice in a game. I didn't coach them the last year we were there, as I'd just had the twins and time was um...kinda tight. I'd rather play than coach, and I barely could squeeze in those practices/games what with all the eating, etc. that Bran and Nuala did. Zachariah was terrific. All 4 of us would go to my games and he would manage the little twins himself. Usually people there would kinda help him, but still. And it was so fun the last couple of years when my sister Erin moved in and we got to play together! She and I were just talking the other day about how much we miss Chantilly basketball. She's in Poland now, and the poor thing hasn't been able to find a substitute yet. I hope she'll survive!

So, I just needed to reminisce. That was fun. And I'm grateful for my awesome basketball friends -- I really made some good friends through bball -- and for my nice new friends here, who let me play handball with them!

The Team, St. Patrick's Day, 2007. Angela, Sandy, Erin, Kristen, Patty, Me, and Marci. Linda, Stef, and Kathy couldn't make it...Angela was moving the next day, so we had a yummy afternoon at TGI Friday's.


Rob and Erin said...

To play one last game...no one first game... I'm glad you have found team handball! Humility and honesty can coexist, you are proof of that :0) I love our matching shirts in that picture,but even more than our shirts, I love everybody on our team!
I remember that black eye like it was yesterday...such fond memories, haha. Thanks for this awesome post!

erin said...

Sorry, that was me Erin commenting before, I just got my own gmail account and I keep forgetting...so again, Awesome black eye! Wasn't he on crutches for a while after that?? just kidding, haha

MarciaAnne said...

I feel the same way towards volleyball, we used to play year round. Then when I moved to Nauvoo, it stopped and then when I moved back here, basketball had taken over our time slot. I miss volleyball, and I totally stink at basketball (so that won't work for me). Maybe we can get our spot back since there is a volleyball tournament coming up again in November. We'll have to ask our Bishop.

Cara said...

ouch! That eye! Did it hurt? I have to say, you look a lot like Erin in that photo!!
I wouldn't want to play b-ball with you, you would probably run me over!! :) That and I don't like to play!! Glad you have a great ward and sports, it does make all the deference.

Sara said...

I knew I should have read this when you posted it last night. Now it's this morning, and I'm having the worst day ... and I see pictures of people I loved so much and read about Chantilly and ...it's a good thing I only wore mascara today! :)

I'm glad you are getting to play handball - and it doesn't surprise me you're good at it!

Julie said...

I loved reading about YOU! I didn't even know you played basketball! That is so cool that you are playing a new game and loving it! I don't think I will play with you though. I am pretty good at running, but my hand-eye coordination needs improvement.

Marci said...

Sigh. I love Chantilly basketball too. I don't want to gloat, but I played it last night. It was everything you remembered. But now Bishop Carver comes and boy does he make us run!! I miss the Ricker girls!! We don't have a "nice" ball, and I think they each took one of our team shirts!! (J/k about the shirts--)I'm glad you found Handball-- it sounds like a lot of fun! BTW can you give me a copy of the last photo? Thanks for reminiscing!

fiona said...

Ooooh, that's just mean, Marci! Rub it in... Yeah, that was always fun when Bishop or some of the other men would play. And I would totally blame Erin if there are missing shirts, because, I will admit, I did take one when we moved (#15!)...but I gave it to Erin when I saw her at Chistmas to return! She always was a klepto...(kidding, Erin!) Well, we sure miss y'all!! Tell Bishop you need funds for a "nice" ball, maybe there's a little extra in the RS budget... ;)

Sorry to make you think about good ol' Chantilly Ward at an inopportune time, Sara! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

And the eye kinda hurt at the instant of the kick. A heel to the eye is never comfy, but afterwards it was fine. Unless you pushed on it, but I just didn't do that.

pauline said...

Hi.....oh boy, I never saw a pic of your black eye b4! It looks so bad.... you should'a pointed him out to me when I visited, and I'd've had a "word" with him!!! (j/k; he prob felt terrible about it too.....maybe...) The pics are great, and isn't it fun to just remember..... I thought we were going to see a pic of you and the Uruguayan gals playing handball... You mean, Zac is too busy to take pics while you play (Zac: "Oh, dear, Nuala and Bran were right here...I wonder where they might be now...I only took 2 or 3 mins to take pics of Fiona playing...") Thanks for sharing ... love,Mom (Dad too)xox

fiona said...

haha, don't worry, he did feel badly, Mom! He sent me a nice little email card with a poem about how sorry he was...I let him know I didn't mind, but he didn't seem to be proud of the fact that he'd given a girl a black eye...go figure... :P

zachariah said...

I was actually never able to really watch Fiona play... since the twids were only a month or so old when she started again. I wish I could have watched more, it's always fun to see her get out the court.

zachariah said...

Or I should say I didn't get to see her play the last season becuase I was busy with the twins. It's a good thing she's is so good at basketball so someone in our family can pass some serious skills on to the twins. Fiona really is great at b-ball and was great at working with the young women to help them really get into the game.