We will always remember...September 11, 2001. I think I write this every year, or at least last year I did, but the anniversary of 9/11 not only brings to my mind the horror and evil that exist in the world, but the exact opposite as well. The good and the kind, the fact that anywhere you go there are people who love everyone, regardless of country or political affiliation or religion. People who know we are all brothers and sisters. Children of Heavenly Father, even if they call Him by a different name.
When it happened, we were at the pyramids in Egypt, with no idea of the terror falling upon America. We finally found out, watching the news later that day while eating at a little pizza place, and just could not believe our eyes. So many people there in the restaurant, all Egyptian, or at least Middle Eastern, were in sorrowful disbelief as well. Yeah, there were many people celebrating in the streets of downtown Cairo that night, but there were also many, there in the very country where the leader of the hijackers was from, who were saddened and horrified at the attacks. That stands out in my mind. The impact of that day has lessened somewhat, as tends to happen, but I know we still join with millions of Americans and others from all nationalities to remember what happened -- the lives changed, how the WORLD changed -- and try harder each day to make the world a better place. We remember.
It is so interesting to hear people's perspectives as they weigh in on where they were that day and what the atmosphere was like it around them.
wow I didn't know you were in Egypt at the time, was that scary not being in the US at the time?
And, Miami Heat? What? Where is TX pride? Do you need a Spurs shirt?
Don't worry, I have a few Spurs shirts!! I actually got that shirt at a thrift store when I was 12. Mostly for the bball, I didn't know anything about the team then. It wasn't actually scary being there at that time, just kinda confusing, if you know what I mean. For everyone I'm sure, just not knowing what was going on, really...but I knew we would be okay.
Wow, so if the cheesy tourist pose, ie canned grin and arms straight down at the sides with really dark shades didn't give you away as AMERICAN (as in "you, with the AK-47 that just rode your camel in from the desert, shoot this way...") the the Miami Heat shirt seals the deal.
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