Sunday, September 23, 2007

Best Juice Ever!

We have decided to share our super-secret recipe for the most delicious glass of juice...ever... Ready? Three mandarins and one lemon...divine... Oddly, it's pretty difficult to find 100% juice here at the grocery stores. Usually they'll have apple juice and that's it. Or get fresh-squeezed but that, while also very tasty, doesn't last long. So we buy tons of mandarins -- only about $0.15/lb. -- and use the following complicated recipe with our hand-lever juicer:

Cut 3 mandarins and 1 lemon (from our awesome little lemon tree) in half. Squeeze 2 mandarins, then lemon, then final mandarin. Peel out the juiced pulp (and some kinda un-juiced) with your teeth and eat -- it's good for you and yummy, too. Then, enjoy your fresh mandarin-lemon juice! ...mmmm. Sometimes we even polish our juicer, though obviously not on the day I decided to take pictures for posting.


Aislinn said...

Mmmm...a lemon makes a world of difference! Sounds like a really yummy juice! I'm somewhat amused that you polish your juicer, though...I mean...I can understand washing it, but you take time to *polish* it??? Don't you have anything better to do? Like watch MacGyver? ;o)

JnR said...

I love fresh squeezed or juiced fruits and veggies. It tastes a lot different then store bought stuff that's for sure. I haven't tried the 3 to 1 mand. orange/lemon combo, I want to now it sounds really good and the picture makes it look tasty too (even if the juicer isn't polished).

Cara said...

oooo that sounds so good! I have to try it! Where did you get the juicer? And I bet your lemon is a lot sweeter then the ones I am going to get! Lucky you! I would love fruit trees!

Rochelle said...

I've just been whining and complaining about making fresh squeezed apple juice. I have a champion juicer but I have to pick the apples, cut out the worms and put them through the chute. Do you know how many apples it takes to make a quart of juice? A TON! Then the apple juice looks like Ben's pants. Or it did the day I made it and his pants are a dark tan color. Everyone asks...what is this? Is it safe to drink? Your juice sounds divine and is BEAUTIFUL! sigh....

Anonymous said...

What a great drink! Reminds me of all the fresh juice down in the Valley. Wish the mandarin oranges here were that cheap. Love, Dad and Mom