Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Somehow we end up with this many babies by the end of the day...or at least that's how it sometimes feels. Quadruple the fun!!! ("Fun" meaning work, diapers, whines, messy meals, as well as giggles, kisses, snuggles, and actual fun...)


Molly said...

AH! way cute! this is a cool picture! love it.

Twinkies said...

Just think of how close it could have been a possiblity. =]

Cara said...

Don't you just love how they love to look at themselves in the mirror? They are so cute, all four of them!!

Anonymous said...

Hi :) that is a very cute picture...at first glance, it looks like two sets of twins! I am supposing that those poor mirrors have handprints and lickprints, etc. by the end of the day (but I'm sure you spend oh....into the wee hours...just shining them up again, so they'll be ready for a fresh set of above prints the next day). It's amazing to see how big the little rascals are getting, and look like they're full of vim and vigour...... thanks for sharing.... love Mom (and Dad too) xox

JnR said...

That's a really cute picture! I'm sure it does feel like that some days that you have four kids running around instead of two! Wish I was there to lend a hand! At least out of the four only two need diaper changes!

Anonymous said...

Your Dad gave me this blog address so he could show off his grandchildren. They sure are cuties! And that is an interesting angle for a picture. Good thinking. I hope life is treating you well. I hope you remember me.