Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cute Babies

Two posts in one day? Amazing! I'm sitting here in our hotel suite (thank you, taxpayers) and finally have nothing to do...I've already watched too many Raymond episodes, so now the computer gets some lovin'. Some cute pics I've been wanting to post:

Already devouring the Sunday School material. (don't worry, it's last year's manual...)

Okay, so I've been putting them together now and then for a nap here and's just so cute :) It goes great at first, lots of grinning and giggling at each other while they play a bit...then the screaming. Usually it's Nuala, but once I heard Bran doing the "I'm sooo tired" cry, so I go up and find him lying on his tummy, head turned toward the door, with Nuala kneeling beside him. She was leaning over him, both little hands clutching his ear, and she was rocking back and forth, with the hugest grin on her face! Rascal! In the picture above, they both fell asleep, but I could tell it wouldn't last. Just one Bran stretch and Nuala would be very unhappy. And, yep, that's what happened. Still cute, though :)

And overalls are just the best -- especially with smiley babies in them :)


JnR said...
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JnR said...

They are so cute! I love the overalls, and they always fall asleep in the funniest positions don't they? I think we need a new video soon:)

Glad to see that they are 'devouring' church material, but that was last years! Need to keep them up to date!!!

(oh and you're welcome for the hotel room, haha)

Carolyn said...

So fun. So cute. You are lucky. My mom was so excited to find a pair of overalls for David, but he cried whenever she put them on him. I am so sad that Brian's wedding isn't this weekend so that I could be in Texas to see you. I guess that means that I'll have to make it to Uruguay. I looked on line tough and they are so expensive so you might not have to worry so much about a constant stream of guests.

fiona said...

Hey, come on! Once in a lifetime trip -- free place to stay, that should offset the ticket, I know it's super expensive...Will David wear overalls now? ;)