Monday, January 01, 2007

Sweet, precious sleep!

I've quickly become one of those frantic, disheveled dads running out to purchase weird things at all hours. It started with a Medela breast pump last Sunday morning, we don't shop on Sunday, ever. At 9am Sunday morning I was waiting in line at Babys 'R Us with about 10 other fathers in sweats and baseball caps, and one lady that was walking like she had just gotten out of the hospital. The line was on the outside of the store because it hadn't opened yet, we were all on some "immediate" errand, hoping the store would open soon.

It continued this week as Bran developed some killer gas pains that won't allow him to sleep at all. I have been sent out to get all kinds of different "probable" cures, mostly false hopes. I got weird looks when I bought the suppositories, because "children strength" is written really small on the back, go figure, made it incredibly hard to find them. Last night I think we stumbled on something that works. We started with 1 tsp of Olive oil, which he hates, but soothes his tummy within minutes. Then we boiled a cup of water with a half of a bay leaf for 15 minutes, and it seemed to work immediately. As he drank the concoction, which actually tasted sort of minty, his tummy began making strange gurgling noises and within minutes he passed loads of gas and went right to sleep. ~Zachariah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how prescious they are asleep snuggled together.Mom Rollins