Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Zac's Back!

(Or almost...) Yay! Zachariah comes home today! I go pick him up in about half an hour...the time is just dragging! I spent forever cleaning the house for his arrival. Though I wonder why...he doesn't notice half the stuff that bugs me so I could have done a bit less of a thorough job and he would probably have been looking around for Mr. Clean to pop out. And it only took forever because I got tired often and had to take a lot of breaks, not because we live in a pigsty. Anyway.

He's coming home!!! I think he had 21 hours of flight time, and then 6 or 7 layover hours, luckily he doesn't have to go to work tomorrow! (And there's plenty of Halloween candy left for him :)


Oliver said...

Welcome Home, Zachariah. What's it like to come home after being gone so long? Surprised that the construction on Centreville Road *still* isn't completed?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back son! We are still chuckling over Fionas bug in the tupperware. Post the latest news on the last sonogram and the baby shower were their any suprises? Love Mom and Dad