Thursday, August 10, 2006

No more basketball

Well, even though at the beginning of my pregnancy, I had no energy whatsoever to do physical activity, I eventually perked up and began to play basketball again. Just once a week, with some people from church, and I would be careful, didn't play too aggressively. And it was okay, I had some balance and reflex issues, but overall it was fun and felt good -- and the babies were doing fine.

The past couple of times, though, I could barely walk afterwards, my joints hurt like crazy! Walking up and down our stairs was torture, and don't even get me started on turning over in bed! Anyway, after yesterday, I realized that basketball is really not meant to be played while 20 weeks pregnant with twins. It just doesn't feel that good. Especially when you are worried about falls and bumps, etc., no matter how careful you are. Maybe Zac and I will go shoot the ball, and we can play in the pool, but real basketball? Nope. I have given it up, until the babies come at least.

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