Saturday, April 01, 2006

I CAN do it !

I'm so excited! I just gave myself one of my injections all by myself!!! I'm such a wuss about needles and my own blood and stuff (believe me, I've gotten WAY better about it since doing all this baby stuff, but I still have my know how I am...), and some of my other IF buddies, as well as Zac, tease me about not being able to do the injections myself. I always say, "If I HAD to, I would!" Just repeat the "babies, babies, babies..." mantra in your head and you can do anything. I just never have had to, so why would I want to stick a sharp piece of metal into my own skin? But last night I tried, just to see if I could. I actually got as far as sticking myself with the needle, but couldn't inject the meds. This one was a pen-type injector, it kinda dials itself down, so you don't just push the little button thingy straight in. I had it stuck in me, but I was terrified to wiggle it around as I actually shot the hormones into my surrendering stomach. So Zac finished it. What a husband! Doesn't mind sticking his wife with 3 needles a day...he's actually quite good...except 2 out of the 3 usually sting like crazy....

Anyway, tonight, not 15 minutes ago, I did it all myself! Zac's ride to Priesthood Session of General Conference came right as he was administering the 1st nightly shot, so I was left to my own devices for the 2nd. Bravely, I told him I could do it, don't worry about me. He suggested having Erin do it. No. But thanks. He left, and I finished getting everything ready. Finally, it was me and the cute looking blue and yellow Follistim pen. So deceiving! Okay, not that bad in the grand scheme of needles, but still, a NEEDLE! At first I made the mistake of allowing it to hover over my pinched chunk of skin, but with a deep breath, I slid it in. I wish I could say plunged it, I think that would have felt better, but a brisk slide was all I could manage. Yay! It was in! Then I just needed to wind down the medicine. This is where I got stuck last night. I pushed the yellow button. Nothing. I pushed it again, trying to slightly twist it with only my thumb. It began to move! Slowly and a bit jerkily. Not fun. Finally it got going and I was finished! Then, just the needle extraction is left, and who can mess up pulling a needle out, right? Ahem...I can. I mean, seriously, straight up, no big deal! I just HAD to have a little arm spasm. Great timing. No major damage, just something that really didn't need to happen at that moment. Don't worry, I'll survive.

But there! I can do it! I can stick myself with a needle if I need to. I just like having Zachariah do it. He's much nicer, and actually quite good :) I just hope I never have to try giving myself the upcoming butt shots...2 inch long needle, thick oil...ummm...I hafta go, I feel a bit queasy...

P.S. This is not an April Fool's joke

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